Conversation Between egg-whites333 and paecmaker

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. because you didnt get anyone you can do it just ask LiNuX if he will pay the winner 100 gfp i wanted it to be shooters if you choose to do it
  2. Hey, so with the ROTW, do you take it over again?
  3. okay but only a 1 time thing because me and linux agreed 100
  4. I have it so that its open 7 days at normal, and yes I pay the price , I raised it a little so folks might want to join but then I maybe would have raised it more.
  5. just about the thread you put 150 gfp are you paying the extra 50 because its onlt 100 and i would rather have it at only 7 days and then if someone puts that the review is on the way but they may not make it put it 1 to 2 days more
  6. and also your supposed to do it during the votes are happening just use the old entrie one as a template take out links and make your own subject
  7. just started school back up and have alot of homework ill get 3 up but i just need to get back into the school habit
  8. About the ROTW, well I can give it a try, just tell me when the last one stops.

    BTW why cant you?
  9. i would like you to do the next rotw i can trust you and i cant do it please respond with your awnser asap
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 29 of 29
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