Conversation Between ambergris and RaiDae

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh funsies. What class are you?
  2. Thanks, I'm fumblin' around now going after the Charr now.
  3. Yo! If you need any help or anythin' on Guild Wars just ask. I'vve completed everything so i cans lend a hand.
  4. I'm making a point of it. I get money if i clean the house tomorrow (yay! dusting - sarcasm) and i will find the game in some second hand games shop, 'cos it's never in game
  5. Well, my new friend, if you get the chance to play Bloodrayne 2, I think you will find it vastly superior to the movie. Ciao, or should I say, see ye efter!
  6. Cool profile. Welcome to GF. Anyone that likes Rayne has got to be very cool too!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 26 of 26
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