Conversation Between LiNuX and Knibbler

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Well getting to work and back home is a nightmare, 2 hours each way, I spend 8 hours at work and 4 hours commuting while getting squeezed by a thousand New Yorkers.

    Not fun just hoping they get all the systems back up and running, right now there is only one train in and out of my area so I have no choice but to take it.
  2. No worries buddy, was just testing the chat feature on the app as I'd not used it before.
    How are things after Sandy?
  3. Sorry I missed you on steam, I was at work, took me 2+ hours to get home from a normal 40 minute ride thanks to the Hurricane's effect. You logged off 3 minutes before I came in.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Ok mate, thanks for looking
  6. sorry, no option to enable vimeo videos
  7. Hey Linux, I was just wondering if we Vimeo support..
    so the video shows, i tried all to get it to work but it no luck..
  8. Thanks Linux!
  9. Happy Birthday.
  10. maybe you should make a quick sig for the sotw and start things up - if we delay too much it doesn't remain a sig of the week.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10