Conversation Between egg-whites333 and HamadaLFC8

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. to late unless you do a youtube one. :P
  2. holy ****t im signing up right now
  3. the winner of canadas got talent gets a nissan gtr... just sayying you should have found a tallent and signed up because a gtr would fit you. who cares if your from usa.
  4. Oh well then stick with your te....
    Can they be called a team :P... Nope!
  5. pffttt im sorry to dissapoint you but i won't be using these
  6. pfft ya right it was luck real owns. i have your new walpaper and your new avatar
    wallpaper for you

    avatar for you
  7. pffttt LFC isn't the greatest these days but just give them time ... then they'll beat Real 4-1 again just like last time they met
  8. jut letting you know real madrid is a better team than ny other team out there, just letting you know. :P. liverpool is ok. but manchester beats them.
  9. thanks for the gfp
  10. i have one i didnt have a render so i had o use a regular picture and added to it if i had a render it would be better but here is ths one if you like it if you find a render let me know and ill make a better one
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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