Conversation Between Jordan and rukisuto

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Har har har
  2. lol.
    Dirty? Why so?
  3. Good God its Kelly D:
    I feel dirty wen I find myself enjoying his songs.
  4. Thanks heh (;
  5. I love your avatar, lol.
  6. I'de like that
  7. I can show you some from like a year and a half ago, lol.
  8. Thanks a lot. I'de really enjoy seeing your work too. (:
  9. !!
    Love your drawings.
    I have to get back into it, I haven't drawn digitally in a LONG time.
  10. Hey there, just thought I'de drop by and say hello.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10