Conversation Between paecmaker and Nathalie

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Allright, I'll take a look at them later ((:

    Thanks for telling me D:
  2. Everything you need to know is in the FAQ (Gamers Forum - FAQ)

    but there are a few rules that are important,

    You are not able to post links until you have been a member for 24 hours and have over 10 posts.
    The same about editing your profile. Everything stands in hte rules section and FAQs.
  3. Oh cool ^^

    Can you tell me how to use this site? o.o
  4. yup, that was a pm (or similar )
  5. Oh hai.

    Is this a PM? I really don't know how to use this site ):
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5