Etiquette of S&D

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  • 01-05-2014, 06:59 AM
    Etiquette of S&D
    I have always wanted a serious debate section. This is where you get to argue with one another about controversial subjects, weather or not I actually understand what I am talking about (and so can you!). But Since I plan on spending a lot of time here enjoying clashing minds with others to test their convictions and challenge their perceptions, I though it would be a good idea to set some ground rules.

    So here is my best attempt at a set of gentlemanly rules for my fellow gentlemen of the debate section:

    - Maybe try to start with a friendly greeting. Gentlemen always greet each other with pleasantries, and this is a good way to establish the good nature of the debate. "Linux, bolly good day old chap, love your L4D2 server. But about this pro life idea you have stuck in your head."

    - Clearly state what or what part of the conversation you are arguing, where you stand and why should all flow together. Confusion is actually a lot more common in debate than you would think.

    - Argue the issue and not the other members. Its important to remember you are trying to argue a point of view, and not make someone feel unwelcome. If someone does not know what they are talking about then this is your chance to motivate them to go out and research in order to counter your argument. Debate is often a great way to figure out what you actually believe beyond a first impression. Don't bring it to fisticuffs if they don't see reason, if you really have good points they will warm to those ideas over time. (but probably not durring your argument, people are not built to drop their defenses)

    Keep being a gentleman. If you follow these ground rules we should have a lot of fun. As long as we keep a civil disagreement civil.

    Edit: And one final note! It occurs to me that a lot of times debates turn into conversations between only two people. If the conversation gets swept up by a few people that's ok, in fact that can also be fun because other gentlmen can comment on who they find the most persuasive. I highly recommend cheering for on side or another, just to fire them up at let them see who is in the lead.
  • 01-05-2014, 08:51 PM
    I'm always for debating, I'm pretty sure we tried it in the past and had some decent debates. Kind of just died out though, I don't think that many people enjoy it, but definitely a way to learn both sides about a controversial topic and further your knowledge on subjects.
  • 01-06-2014, 06:20 AM
    I love a good debate about interesting subjects.
  • 01-06-2014, 09:33 AM
    As long as everyone is mature about it and doesn't get butthurt when someone's opinion aren't the same as theirs, I would love to see this.

    I love debating. It's awesome getting to see things from other people's perspectives because sometimes they'll mention things that you would have never thought of. And just like that, your whole perception on something has changed. Then of course you have the opposite where you're dealing with someone stubborn who refuses to see anything in any other way. Either way, it's always amusing :P
  • 01-10-2014, 09:41 AM
    Same I would really like to participate in a good controversial subject

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