Losing Streaks?

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  • 06-01-2014, 01:49 PM
    Losing Streaks?
    After I made Gold V, it seems that I can't seem to win that easily, every game there is at least 2 feeders, in at least 5 of my last 10 games, there was an afk. Although I won one of my 4v5 matches, I lost the 7 out of my last 10. And now my win ratio is below 50% :(

    Anyone else run into a long string of bad games? It's been happening to me my last 20 games or so, I've won maybe 6 out of the 20.
  • 06-01-2014, 10:27 PM
    My friend was in Gold 3 and went through the exact same thing you just said, literally. I've hit a losing streak as soon as I got promoted to silver 3, so now I'm close to demotion again. I feel like this is just the bad LoL community in full swing, or Rito just being a bunch of A holes lol
  • 06-01-2014, 11:08 PM

    Originally Posted by xLykos View Post
    My friend was in Gold 3 and went through the exact same thing you just said, literally. I've hit a losing streak as soon as I got promoted to silver 3, so now I'm close to demotion again. I feel like this is just the bad LoL community in full swing, or Rito just being a bunch of A holes lol

    I was actually on my promo to get to Gold IV twice, but as soon as I get to the promos, my losing streak starts and sends me back to 0 LP, currently at 25lp.

    I have a friend that went from Silver 3 to 5. Now he slowly worked back up to Silver 2.
  • 06-02-2014, 01:38 PM
    While I dont play ranked it has happened to me, sometimes I have tons of good games but there can be tenfolds of games that are just so bloody awfull that I start to wonder why I even bother.
  • 06-02-2014, 05:39 PM
    I don't play for a few days when the losing pattern emerges. AFKs and such aside, the losing streak is usually my fault when it happens. I go on tilt so I step away from it for a couple days. I generally stay away from solo queue though. Simply lack the patience to tolerate it so I rarely have the excuse of "my teammates sucked" or "they went AFK and/or trolled" cause I kinda picked them.

    Because of this pattern my solo queue rank is virtually nonexistent. Doing rather well in ranked 3s though.

    I think we just need to do more gamer's forum team games. There are a lot of good league players on this forum and you can count on them not to AFK unless something drastic happens. I'm on a ton over the weekend in to the late hours and can be on pretty much any evening during the week if I know in advance. Actually, I've got all night tonight if anyone wants to get any games going.
  • 06-02-2014, 07:42 PM
    I'll be up for a game later, let me know, I'm online now. We can do normals and see how that goes.
  • 06-03-2014, 07:20 PM
    Shame I hadn't seen this earlier. I had gotten off by then.

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