Thoughts on the Wii U

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  • 01-30-2013, 06:55 PM
    Thoughts on the Wii U
    Just curious if anyone has a Wii U or if anyone plans to get one. I doubt I will, holding out for the next xbox or PlayStation, haven't decided yet. But anyone get to play the Wii U yet, or is anyone planning on getting one?
  • 01-30-2013, 07:15 PM
    I plan on waiting till we get game details and consoles details of the other 2 systems then i'll decide. They'll also need to get 3rd party games for it to be my first console.
  • 01-30-2013, 07:33 PM
    3rd party games? Not sure what exactly that means. 3rd party as in low budget, like inde games?
  • 01-30-2013, 07:39 PM
    1st party= Stuff a console owns that has no chance of being on other systems. like mario/zelda will never leave nintendo, gran turismo and such will never leave sony, halo,forza never leave microsoft

    2nd party= Companies that arent owned by the big 3 but contracted to do exclusives so long they may as well be 1st party, but can leave. Like for instance Insomniac was 2nd but now 3rd party

    3rd party= companies that make games for everyone(sometimes will sign exclusive contracts for certain franchise) example EA, Capcom, Ubisoft are all 3rd party

    Nintendo if you look back over the years has been sorta lacking in the 3rd party department. They need to go out and get those games, get a saints row on wii u , gta , mainline FF, mainline resident evil..ect
  • 01-30-2013, 07:55 PM
    Oh yeah I see, I wonder why they do that, you think it would only hurt the business. I'm sure 3rd parties have to buy licenses to produce games on the system, you would think they'd want more.
  • 01-30-2013, 08:00 PM
    If I recall correctly how it started back in the day was royalties issues, In the ps1/n64 era it was cartridge costing more than cd and I think recall something about it hard to get more shipments fast enough for boom games. I dont know why anymore, I mean Wii so fast, yet 3rd parties really didnt put too much effort in it. Why? If they did Wii could be challenging PS2 sales instead of limping to 100 million(in the recent Nintendo report which released yesterday it was 800k shy). Also Wii U had a revised forecast downwards, if things dont shape soon(they wont games are 3 months out) We could be seeing a 50 dollar price cut.
  • 01-31-2013, 09:42 AM
    I made the mistake of buying the Wii and never use it. It's cool for "party" or kiddie games.... like Mario Kart, Mario Party... but I never use it for anything else. To me, the controller is just not built for "real" games. Like I can not imagine playing Uncharted, or similar type games with it. At any rate, like Jak said... def needs 3rd party games. That was another Wii problem, not enough games for it. I'll hold out for awhile longer to see if it drops in price a lot, or for a really good sale, or to see if any of my friends get it. Doesn't help that I've not yet read 1 review talking the system up :/ I've read reviews saying that it's meh (nothing new and amazing) and reviews that said it was absolutely no better than the Wii... and I just can't see paying $300 for something I already have. And 85% of the WiiU game reviews are crap as well.

    Honestly, kind of makes me sad. Like I said, just going off of reviews online/magazines and from the only friend that I know that has it and hearing that it's just not an amazing system makes me sad. I was hoping for something way better :(
  • 01-31-2013, 12:07 PM
    The only game I would get for the Wii U is the new "Xenoblades" or whatever the game is, plus Zelda HD. But other than that I do not think I would get it. In all honesty I am probably stuck on the PS4 only because Kingdom Hearts 3 finally SEEMS to be in production. I say that because Square said that Dream Drop Distance would be the last game before 3, and Jesse McCartney release a photo and tweat saying "Working in the next chapter of Kingdom Hearts" but he had to remove it.
    Sooooo there is a low chance I would get the Wii U, though it still looks to have some great games coming, just do not know how well they will preform.
  • 01-31-2013, 12:11 PM
    Same here. Zelda HD and Pikmin 3 for me. But 2 games doesn't justify $300+ to me :3
  • 01-31-2013, 12:12 PM
    Ohhhh Pikman 3, awesome. Plus Bayonetta 2. But eh idk how that will come off.

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