League Of Legends

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  • 05-11-2011, 02:15 PM
    good review....but not my type of game
  • 05-12-2011, 02:47 PM
    I really don't get what people see in this game, but that's just me. Maybe my unreasonable hatred for scam games labeled as "Free to Play" where some insane people blow their cash on overpowered items to get an advantage, or maybe because I still see this as a straight down rip-off of Demigod. And just like Demigod, League of Legends bored me to death after 6 or so matches. Dunno what it is, I really tried to be friends with this game, but it doesn't get me =/

    Good review tho! Kudos.
  • 05-12-2011, 03:10 PM
    Accually, both are copys from dota allstars and where realesed only a few months apart.
  • 05-12-2011, 06:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Havoc View Post
    I really don't get what people see in this game, but that's just me. Maybe my unreasonable hatred for scam games labeled as "Free to Play" where some insane people blow their cash on overpowered items to get an advantage, or maybe because I still see this as a straight down rip-off of Demigod. And just like Demigod, League of Legends bored me to death after 6 or so matches. Dunno what it is, I really tried to be friends with this game, but it doesn't get me =/

    Good review tho! Kudos.


    You can't blow your cash to get any overpowered items. You can buy skins or champions with money, but the only thing that could MAYBE make you more "overpowered" than anyone else would be Runes... which you cannot buy with money.

    And yeah, League of Legends is just another permutation of DoTA, though it has differences o-o

    edit: though I can totally see where it's not for some people; hell even I kind of hate it, and I play... I prefer playing with a group of friends, though. Makes it way more fun.
  • 05-12-2011, 06:38 PM
    KK dota it was then, I just played Demigod first so that makes the impression.
    It may have seemed as if I was implying that LoL has overpowered cashshop, I was not. I was criticizing the "Free2Play" premise.

    Which is still existent in LoL as the majority of the character/skins is cashshop related (altho the skins are only decorative). You're still blowing your cash for pixels at a very unfortunate ratio.
  • 05-12-2011, 07:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Havoc View Post
    KK dota it was then, I just played Demigod first so that makes the impression.
    It may have seemed as if I was implying that LoL has overpowered cashshop, I was not. I was criticizing the "Free2Play" premise.

    Which is still existent in LoL as the majority of the character/skins is cashshop related (altho the skins are only decorative). You're still blowing your cash for pixels at a very unfortunate ratio.

    Ah I thought you were saying LoL did the kind of thing you described. And you can buy all of the characters without spending money; you just need to play a lot... and you can get plenty of them without spending money. I've unlocked plenty of them without paying, and they have free champions rotate every week, so you can try them out o.o

    I think it's really great to have it be free to play and only have you spend money on things if you want to support the game (like skins) o.o That way, you don't end up wasting your money if you end up not liking it/playing it much, and if you want to spend money...then you can o.o

    I mean, they have to make money somehow. And I think LoL does a lot better than most other free-to-play games in that regard. They still release way too many champions at 6300 IP (difficult to get), but eh.

    In any case, it's not the game for everyone, but for a MOBA, I think it's one of the best out there o.o
  • 05-13-2011, 10:30 AM
    I agree with Muffin on this one, LoL is deffinately one of the best free-to-play MMOs out there.

    I mean of course since LoL IS free to play, then you have to expect a somewhat lower level of quality than for example WoW. Although I can tell you that LoL is better than Aion online, and Aion online costs $1 more to play per month, than WoW.

    LoL has ALOT of potential in my opinion, and I feel that the devs have a money cow sitting in the barn only rarely used, not living up to its own potential. But maybe they like it that way!

    Either way, LoL does not 'rely' on you to buy anything in order to play efficiently. There's deffinately no scam in this game. You wanna see a scam game? Try Evony. The game is created by chinese WoW account hackers who have a hidden keylogger in the game when you install it, thus gaining access to your WoW account while you play Evony, ergo, you're not thinking about WoW while you play Evony. That's a huge scam, and LoL shows no signs of being a scam to me at all. Heck, it even has it's own client!

    And like I said, LoL makes no difference between paying players and free players, except that their characters look cooler, but looks dont win fights. You can of course also pay to get champions and rune pages etc. But it is really not neccersary.

    For example, I've played for 2 days now, less than 48 hours so far, and I've already unlocked:

    Annie: 1350 IP
    Sivir: 450 IP
    Ashe: 450 IP

    That's just from 2 days of playing for a total of 3-5 hours a day, with each fight ranging from 20-40 minutes.

    The game REALLY isn't requiring you to pay, it simply makes something easier, but paying players don't get any other special treatment than gaining a champion a few hours faster than a free to play player.

    And I am now gonna start MY review on LoL :)
  • 05-14-2011, 07:55 AM
    Oh well that seems fair to me then... but not exactly a solid marketing strategy o.O But it seems like they get sponsored a lot (Razer, AMD, Alienware) and have some former Blizzard developers in their staff.

    Is reviewing a competitive sport now? o.o
  • 05-14-2011, 08:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Havoc View Post
    Oh well that seems fair to me then... but not exactly a solid marketing strategy o.O But it seems like they get sponsored a lot (Razer, AMD, Alienware) and have some former Blizzard developers in their staff.

    Is reviewing a competitive sport now? o.o


    Lol jk XD Nah it's not, it's just a good idea to have two people to go by rather than one, you know, makes the decission to do or not to do alittle easier.

    Maybe 1 guys review says the game is bad, while another reviewer might say that it is actually good. Two different people with 2 different points of view on a game is a much better stand point.

    Nothing competitive in it :)
  • 05-14-2011, 11:25 AM
    I've been taking forever to get around to it but for all the time I've poured into this game I've been meaning to put a review of my own up for it. I spend enough time trying to get people to play the game, anyway...

    With the success my Minecraft review had in getting a handful of you on to play with us I'd love to see if I can rope a couple more GFers into LoL :P

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