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    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default The consoles from the Start.

    I know I posted this review already, but I added some more information, pictures and fixed grammatical mistakes.

    Everyone remembers the good old Atari VCS ( also known as 2600 ). The first gaming console that was released in 1978, at a price of $200. Atari didn't make good sales until 1980 when arcade games were published by Activision. Games like Space Invaders, Defender, Combat, Asteroids and Pitfall. It's also hard to believe, but Atari was ahead of its time by having Wireless joy sticks. I don't like how the joystick feels. It's really stiff and it seems like I have to force everything I do.

    In 1979 the Intellivision came out just a year after its competitor Atari released its console, with the price for this system starting at $300. Intellivision weird controllers made it very unique from the Atari. It had 15 buttons all together which made it extremely hard to play. They had little covers to go over the controller for each game to tell which button did what.

    Later the ColecoVision came out in 1982, at a price of $300. The thing that stuns me is that it can play Atari 2600 games on it. Which doesn't make sense to me, because they were competitors. It is basically the same as the Intellivision, same weird like controller that makes you think you have a phone in your hand. They even had the same graphics. I guess the only upgrade was that it can play Atari 2600 games.

    That same year the Atari 5200 came out competing with the ColecoVision at a price of $330. ( I still don't understand this I thought they teamed up, but whatever. ) Although the Atari won in the graphic battle, but it performed poorly in the market due to design flaws. For one, the controllers are notorious for not working. If you even got a working one good luck trying to use it. It has numerical numbers on it, just like the Intellivision and ColecoVision. It was the first to have a potentiometer-based analog stick on the controllers, but it was enough. Other than that, It was basically a big failure.

    The system you all know and love was released in 1985, the Nintendo (NES). It started at a price of only $250 pretty cheap for its popularity. This system blew the gaming world out of proportions With its 8-bit graphics didn't seem to have competitors other than the Sega master system which was release a year later. The (NES) great performance and games made it the best seller of its time.

    The Sega master system was released in 1986 competing with the (NES) for ??? (Can't find it anywhere ). Not much to say about this one. The Master System seemed to fail in that market industries due to the lack of games. It seem to have only one game series that made any profit which was Sega the Hedge Hog.

    In 1989, Sega tried again with the Genesis which started at $160. It was also known as the Mega Drive to japan and other regions, because in North America, Sega couldn't secure legal rights in other regions. It was also known as the Mega Which had 16-bit graphics with blast processing and better games like Gunstar Heroes. Yes, That's it, just Gunstar Heroes.... Although it had better graphics then the (NES) it still failed to meet the standards of its audiences.

    Next is Nintendo's turn to upgrade with there new system in 1991, called Super Nintendo that started at a price of only $200 ( Another amazingly low price. I would have thought that it would be higher because of there success with the (NES)). It also had 16-bit graphics and its high speed cpu ( at the time period )which made it run faster than any other system. Many Nintendo fans think of the Super Nintendo to be the best System ever made.

    Atari's had one last chance at controlling the gaming world. They Released the Atari Jaguar in 1993 for $200. Although it had 64-bit graphics it seemed to fail in the markets which caused them to drop out of video game console market. They still made games for other consoles, including 7th generation consoles.

    A new manufacturer is coming in for the battle. The Sony PlayStation in 1994 for $300. Although it had 32-bit graphics it was the first to sell over 100,000,000 consoles. It seemed that Sony would soon take control of the market world. The PlayStation seemed to have plenty of games to keep audiences occupied. The games include, Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid and the most anticipated games Final Fantasy.

    The Sega Saturn was released in 1995, for $400 with 32-bit graphics. Sega was in process of creating Sega Neptune, it was canceled shortly before Saturn was released. ( They were making to many systems, and couldn't keep track of them. ) Once again it didn't compare to the audiences as its competitors. This was when the gaming world started to see Sega slipping away.

    Nintendo made another console in 1997, called the Nintendo 64 at the price of $200, which also had great success in the market. It was known as the last console to use cartridges. For some reason they seemed to put 64 at the end of all there games. Does anyone know if there was any reason for this or what? Maybe someone could help me out. They must of thought it was cute or something.

    Sega finally got it right with the DreamCast, which was released in 1999, for $200. Although it was a great system it still was at the bottom of list of Sony and Nintendo. When Microsoft joined the console wars someone had to go and it was Sega that got knocked out. Although they quit making consoles, they still make games for Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. They stopped making games for the DreamCast in 2007.

    Sony developed the PlayStation 2 and released it in 2000 for $300. The PS2 sold over 127,000,000 million systems which is the highest amount up to this date. It was the first console to have online play.

    Nintendo made the GameCube in 2001, for $200. The Gamecube was a good system, but the PlayStation 2 had them beat by a long shot. It seemed to look like Nintendo was going to fall out of the competition when the Xbox released. I don't know much about this console, so I don't have much to say about it.

    Finally Microsoft joined the battle. With the Xbox in 2001 for $350. It was of course competing with the GameCube and the PlayStation 2. The Xbox was there first attempt with the console world and seemed to be going well. At its time it was the second best seller of its generation.

    Now we enter the seventh generation of video games. In 2005 Microsoft released another console called the Xbox 360 from $300 to $400. It has the best ever selling online play game, Halo 3, sold over 8 mill copies. The Xbox 360 has sold over 19 million consoles. So that means that a little under half of the worlds Xbox 360 players have halo 3.

    In 2006 sony released there next console called PlayStation 3 from a range of $500 - $600. Although they used to be on the top of the markets they moved to the bottom. It seems that the blue ray caused many problems making people not want to buy it. Also the price was incredibly high compared to its other competitors. What I think happened was that Sony got too zealous and decided that people would buy there system no matter what price.

    The Wii was also released in 2006 for $250. It cheap price and interactive games caused it to go to the top of the market. It seems that Nintendo put themselves back at the top. They have the best ever selling game on any other console. . Wii sports, a very simple game was put at the top. It goes to show that graphics are not everything.

    Edited by: Iced
    Last edited by Trunks; 07-01-2008 at 01:28 AM.

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