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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Lord of the Rings Conquest

    Presenting the newest addition to the LOTR series of games, Lord of the Rings Conquest.
    This game is a lot like Star Wars Battle Front. It takes place during the war of the ring, and in the begging of just a normal skirmish match, you can choose either the good side or the evil side. The good side being either humans or elves (and occationaly hobbits) and the evil side consisting of mainly orcs. Each side is mainly the same, other than the heroes you get to play as. Each level there is a different hero you can play as. Whether it's Aregorn for the good side or Saurman for the evil side, each hero has there own attacks. A hero can be awarded to either the player with the most points or at random. this just depends on how you set it before the match is started. Also, in larger levels, you can sometimes play as Ents (the large tree like people) or Trolls. Each of these characters are extremely powerful and can be hard to handle if you don't know there weakness.
    In the game, you can play as four different types of troops: Mage, Archer, Warrior, or Scout. Each have there own strengths and weaknesses. They also have there own abilities, like the archer can shot arrows, having the range advantage, and the warrior has a very strong close combat attack. Some of there different powers would be like the scout being able to go stealth and assassinate somebody, or the mage being able to heal other people and put up a shield to protect from other projectiles. They also each have there own range attack, the scouts being a satchel bomb, the warriors being a throwing axe, and the mage being there lightening. If used right, these can become much of an asset in battle.
    There is also a campaign in the game. At first, you can only play one, which is the normal "good" campaign. You play as the good side and play different battles like the one at helms deep or the one at Minas Tiras. As you play through you get achievements for completing each level and sometimes beating a certain hero with another hero. After you beat the first campaign, you unlock the other campaign which is the "evil" campaign. This one takes place as frodo is about to through the ring into the volcano. But you stop him as one of the Nazgul (yes you can play as them) and take it. Them you play through the campaign winning battles, and turning the tide. In the end you defeat all of man kind and evil takes over middle earth. It is actually a good twist to the usual, "good wins all and evil looses."
    Along with the campaign, there is also a skirmish mode were you can play three different types of games. One being the normal death match were the first team to a set amount of kills wins. There is also a conquest mode were you are to capture set points and rack up points. The more points you control, the more points you earn. Them finally there is the capture the ring. This just like capture the flag, but instead of a flag, you have a big ring on your back. In this mode, you are to get the ring and get it to the other teams base. But, with the ring, you are extremely slow making it much harder to reach the base. The XBL for this game is just any skirmish match, but with real people. It's not to different than playing with the computer players.
    There is also a small bit of DLC. It is just a multiplayer map between two people who are playing on the same console or system link (I think). Nothing to special though.

    Graphics: 7/10 In this game, they didn't really matter. I mean they were good, but they didn't make the game. They weren't a really big part of it.

    Sound: 5/10 During a match, you will usually have an announcer telling you what is going on like "the other team is 5 kills away from winning." or "the other team has the ring". Plus the music was pretty good. It was from the movies, but nothing really all that new.

    Game Life: 7/10 This is a game were it's hard to get bored of to quickly. The only problem is that there aren't enough maps to play on. So you get through them quickly.

    Xbox Live: 4/10 This was not too great. I mean it no different from playing with the computers unless your playing with a friend.

    Story 7/10 It's just the same story from the books and the movie, except for the evil campaign, which I liked how they did that and took a stroll from the normal "good always prevails".

    Gameplay 8/10 The gameplay is good. It actually take some thought and skill though at some points, (if your playing the right mode) to win. Exspecially when it's on a harder difficulty.

    Final notes and over all rating, I thought it was pretty decent. Though not worth the 60 buck I spent on it, it was decent. I liked it's counter part Star Wars Battle Front and they did just as well with this one. I would give it a 6/10
    Last edited by Flab-Ender; 04-17-2009 at 10:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Nice review. I don't play any Lord of the Rings game because I don' really like the storyline, and the graphics usually suck.

    Thanks Juicy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Well, the graphics in this game are actually pretty good. And how could you not like the story line?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Flab-Ender View Post
    Well, the graphics in this game are actually pretty good. And how could you not like the story line?
    I just don't like that Medieval stuff.

    Thanks Juicy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Oh, well that would also effect whether or not you would want to play it. See, I love the medieval stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    The graphics look amazing
    What you saying LiL Bird?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I've played this game thrice already and may i say the graphics are awesome. i watched the trilogy too the storyline was really good ^_^
    Though i can't play that long.,i always have headaches when i play this game for more than an hour ^_^ it's a really cool game to play.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    ,i always have headaches when i play this game for more than an hour too D

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