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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    When I kicked through both bones in my right leg : P

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011


    How can you kick through both bones in your own leg? oO

    Anyway as a child I once dropped with my knee on a steelblade foot-wiping mat thing in front of a door. (It was back in poland, there they usually made those things out of knives.) Needless to say I opened my entire left knee and could've basically exchange my kneecap. It was pretty bad, I was very young (it was many, many years ago) so I quickly passed out after leaving a trail of blood.

    That's the most pain I've probably had in my life, it was memorable enough for me to remember it to this day.

    Another painful moment was... well usually occurs when I go snowboarding because I tend to get my stupid ass in the kinds of stunts that usually guarantee me a smooth landing on my head and almost break my neck every time. It kinda hurts having all the impact force being absorbed by the bones supporting your head.

    My dumb habit of ignoring some means of protection when doing extreme sports is quite notorious, because the last painful moment was another one where my knee had to suffer... I was minding my own biz, jumping back from school on my stilts:

    (those things can cripple you)

    If you're not familiar with those: they are bladespring powered running/jumping stilts that can let you jump incredibly high or run very very fast.
    So I was running home from school, and my dumbass brain told me that my left knee protector was kinda very uncomfortable, I stopped, took the ***** off and stuffed it in my gym bag. I continued my stride but for some stupid ass reason my bag was very loose on my back so it started hopping around quite a lot when I neared top speed.
    Next thing I know I lost some balance and couldn't reduce my momentum anymore so I promptly embedded myself in the asphalt.
    If you understand physics, walking on stilts which are relatively lightweight rises your point of mass pretty much, when you apply forward momentum to this unbalanced contraption and then suddenly add a breaking force at the very bottom of it, the momentum does that angle thing and is directed straight downwards. It's like slamming a door. Only you're the door. And you're being slammed against the asphalt.
    The pain from the smash aside, I came to pretty quick and managed to get up. (nobody saw, lucky me)
    Of course my unprotected left knee was bruised and bleeding slightly.
    To my grand luck I had the rest of my armor on so I was mostly unharmed.
    But that's not even it.

    When I came home I of course cleaned the wound and decided to seal it with med-spray.
    You know, that spray-on **** that disinfects and creates a layer of something so no dirt can get to the wound anymore and stuff.
    And you know how they tell you not to spray it on open wounds?
    Yea if you wanna know WHY, try it just once.
    It's not that bad really... except for that stream of extreme pain radiating through your entire body. It was the most interesting pain sensation I've ever felt.

    "Those creatures are like Butterflies. Except that they don't fly, and they're really ugly. And they have a lettuce stuck right in their throats. Actually, they're nothing like Butterflies. But they make cocoons... like Butterflies."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    What everybody is getting hurt here.

    I havent broken a bone(even if I could have done it a few times)

    The most painful thing I remember I have done is when I scratched up half my back by a rusty barbed wire. the wound got later infected and we would be going to vacation the day after.
    Last edited by paecmaker; 06-17-2011 at 04:04 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon


    Just like Paec, I have never actually broken a bone, lucky me, my bone structure is relatively pristine

    But I've had some pretty painful falls in my time. One of which involves me being 16 years old, and driving a scooter.

    I loved my mopet, and I worked alot on it, took alot of stuff out to put a much better version in to make it faster. Well I got my scooter to go fast...REALLY fast, fast enough to win races on 'the strip' that moved every week to avoid police went there once, and actually won! Either way, one day I was on my way to a friends house, it was cold and rainy, and I had my bright red race jacket on, along with my red helmet, on my red scooter(can you tell I like red?), and I was roaring down the road at what I think must've been 40mph? I dunno, it was 95 kmh anyway, no idea how much that is in mph...

    So I'm screaming down the road and suddenly I feel a vibrating sensation on my right thigh, and I come to the conclusion that someone is trying to call me, cause it continues to vibrate. So I slow down to a more manageable 35 kmh while I drive one handed(thank GOODNESS for my somewhat smart idea of lowering my speed by 65% before actually trying to get the phone). I then try to pick up my phone, but it's hard to get through the jacket, and into my tight jean pocket(the pocket is almost like a vacume package when I sit down in them, what can I say I like tight jeans), so I look down and try to get it, but I notice on the road that I'm swerving to the right, and to my horror I see the curb inching closer.
    I panic, but I can nowhere near be fast enough, and as I turn, my front wheel dips into a WAAAY too deep hole that ends in a hole going to the sewer(you know, a square whole with metal bars over it for water to run into?yeah). This whole was rediculously deep, like a food deep and a foot wide, exactly big enough to fit my wheel in. My scooter stops dead and decides to jerk to the left, since I turned to the left to get away from the curb. The scooter continues further into the street, while I fly headlong forwards onto the sidewalk, slamming my helmet against the ground, which gets a horrible puncture on the side, had it been my head I would've been sure to've had a concussion.

    I did get knocked out, and I have NO IDEA how long I lay there, but when I woke up a guy was next to me, and his voice was all muffled and wierd sounding. All of a sudden I come back to, and I sit up, my head pounding like mad. Turns out that I stretched a muscle at my shoulder, and my pelvic area is badly bruised. Luckily I had clothes on from head to toe, helmet included, so I got no scrapes or cuts, but lots of bruises, and a smashing headache, and I got knocked out for what I think was like 5 minutes.

    My scooter was trashed, the whole steering mechanism ripped to shreds. I never drove one again. I kinda grew up on the road that day, almost never speed, and I abide the law as much as I can.
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Norfair. Yes it is rather hot here.


    I've never broken a bone, kinda weird considering I've done football, rugby, falling off swings and trampolines, whatever, but anyway....
    Most painful....
    I was backpacking in the Boundary Waters, and this older guy in our group told me I was slow, so we both starting running with 50 lb packs on our back, and we were going pretty fast when I slipped on a rock and ripped off the top of my knee on the sharpest rock I've ever seen.
    That was bad. I think the disinfectant was worse, considering we were in wilderness for another 4 days.

    Aside from that, there were some pretty painful tackles in Rugby, but nothing major.
    A lot of my injuries were from when I was 8 and below, so I don't really remember them at all, including the pain. I know I had my front 2 teeth jammed into my gums to where you couldn't see that. I did that twice, I just don't remember it.

    I think that's it.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I remeber one thing that could be painful but From what I remeber I didnt even notice it until a few moments later.

    I was young and played with my friends in the garden, the others jumped over a flower place and I didnt want to be badder. I ran but stepped wrong so I fell right into the flower place. It wasnt flowers there but what was left over from some bushes that was taken away before. I didnt notice it at first but one big stick had been driven right into my leg and I was like scraping away small sticks and stuff and noticed one was stuck......It wasnt so fun after that

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Broke my arm, the thinner bone also almost punctured my skin. Was in shock for a while not feeling it but it sunk in after the 2 day wait for them just to friggin set it >.<

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Swindon, England


    Not as 'good' as others, but when I was 11, I ran through double glazed patio doors - yes, double glazed. I was being chased by my dog through the living room andvi thought they were open. Evidentally not, and had a 9 inch scar on my lower arm. Not bad really, could have been worse. Dumbass lol.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    When I was 5, I was eating an ice cream on a beach wall in Mallorca (Spain) and I fell backwards about 5 feet, into the sand, ha! Hurt like a ***** if I can remember.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Brisbane, QLD


    The most painful experience I had was when I was about 7 years old, me and a lot of my friends were in my backyard playing Tag, and there was a long wooden plank leading from the ground to the roof, and there was about 5 rusty nails jammed into the top of the wooden plank. My friend Peter ran past it (unaware of it) he bumped the wooden plank and off the roof it came down towards me, I went into my head, impaled my skull, and I had to get rushed to hospital by my mum, I got a **** load of needles inserted into my head. I had to stay home for like 2 months, and far out, when they took the 9-stitches out of my head wound, it hurt so bad. Now I know never to stand near that sort of stuff, its to dangerous for a kid like me, Oh, well a teenager now. But still. Most painful experience ever.

    There was another one where my brother was giving me a Chinese Burn and he twisted to far and broke my arm, Im pretty sure I was about 6 or 7 when that happened. I feel onto my arm and it made it even worse. Talk about pain.

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