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    Default Here is a Q/A about mw3, "fans" asked questions and the developers answered

    Robert Bowling: Hey everyone! LETS DO THIS!!

    Kommentar från Simon Hjort

    Hi there. Are there any differences between the motor you used in Black Ops and the one you use in MW3? If there is, can you name a couple of these differences?

    Robert Bowling: Yes, very much so. The engine we used for Modern Warfare 3 was built up from Modern Warfare 2, but including some fan favorite features such as Theatre Mode

    Robert Bowling: The biggest difference you will notice from a gameplay standpoint is the framerate and speed in multiplayer, thanks to the advancements we've made in how Theater mode works

    Robert Bowling: From a single player standpoint we've added a lot of advancements in the sound engine as well, introducing things like Bullet Whiz´ bys that allow you to identify enemy location and awareness based on closed by shots'

    Robert Bowling: Further more, we've added a lot to the streaming technology to allow us to have levels in single player that are larger than anything we've ever done before, like Manhattan, London, Paris, Berlin.... massive cities

    Kommentar från Pontus W

    How you gonna compete with Battlefield 3 because Battlefield seems like a winning concept.? Or you guys gonna release a Open Beta so we can "see" how it is ?

    Robert Bowling: We really don't focus on competing with anyone, especially BF3 as we feel that their game compliments our style of game more than compete, because they are both very different experiences, and both will be very awesome experiences.

    Robert Bowling: Our main focus is the competition with ourselves and making sure that we're innovating and building on top of our past successes and learning from our past failures.

    Robert Bowling: There won't be an open beta but we have been doing an internal one for quite some time.

    Kommentar från Chris

    Are you gonna have bigger maps then the previos CoD?

    Robert Bowling: From a multiplayer stand point, we focus on having a variety of map sizes that allow for multiple styles of gameplay. We definitely have some big maps for great sniper gamplay but also some great medium and small sized maps that offer the variety of close and medium range combat.

    Glen Schofield: Not only are the maps bigger but the are also taller. We pack alot more ino each and every level. Theres also so much more detail in the levels. We ve been build large cities and taller skyscapers and then able to go inside them. Bur the key isn't just building larger levels, we have to make sure they are still fun.

    Kommentar från Björn

    What is the hardest part in the work of a FPS-serie like Call of Duty?

    Robert Bowling: The biggest challenge to working on a first person shooter of this scale, especially a Call of Duty, is the fact that we over 30 million players online. Thats a massive audience with a lot of expectations and different opinions of what they're looking for.

    Robert Bowling: With Modern Warfare 3 our major focus was giving you, the players, the tools to customize your experience as well as give you the tools, incentives, and rewards to play the game in your own style and be rewarded for it.

    Robert Bowling: Which is why we added things like the new Pointstreak system, to replace the killstreak system, to reward our objective players in the same way we do our TDM players.

    Glen Schofield: Making games is pretty hard work to begin with but I absolutely love the challenge. The challenges with MW3 would be how to innovate and still maintain the same style of game that people have come to love and enjoy. But even though it may pose a challenge its probably the most fun part as well.

    Kommentar från Harald

    Hi guys! How much inspiration from other games do you use in the Modern warfare-franchise, and which games are you inspired by? Would you have come up with the idea for the "Survival mode", for example, if "Left 4 dead" didn't exist?

    Robert Bowling: A lot of our inspiration comes from looking outside our own genre as well, for example back in Call of Duty 4 days with the introduction of Perks, Progressive Ranking coming from our love of MMO and RPG games. With Modern Warfare 3 we looked at the traditional wave based modes that a lot of people were doing well (Epic w- Horde, Bungie w Firefight, Treyarch with Zombies) and broke it down to its core gameplay of infinite waves of enemies.

    Robert Bowling: Then we took that core game mode of wave based enemies, and looked at how we could put the Modern Warfare twist and style on it. Introducing the core elements that make a Modern Warfare 3 game great.

    Robert Bowling: Pulling in all the things you love from Multiplayer, like progressive ranking, customizing your weapon, attachments, perks, killstreak system, equipment (like sentry turrets), and putting it in the co+op enviornment against AI enemies

    Glen Schofield: We get our inspiration from everywhere-games, movies, books, etc. But that doesn't mean we grab ideas from these places its more like they may help spark an idea. In many cases we don´t need a lot of outside inspiration. Its more about a team of creative people working together and brainstorming on an idea. the more we talk about it and bounce it off other people the more it turns ino a great idea. We call everybody on the team "Gamemakers". So although you may be an artist or engineer we still expect everyone to contribute game ideas and suggestions. It doesn't matter who an idea from the team comes from just that it gets into the game.

    Kommentar från Carl Pilkington

    Greetings, why are you so evil?

    Robert Bowling: Oh Carl, you be crazy!

    Kommentar från Joelthmw3boi

    Are you gonna make some specials features on pc ?

    Robert Bowling: The PC version of Modern Warfare 3 is the only platform recieves dedicated development time to it, because of its unique needs and ability for further optimization by its users with more powerful machines. We're excited to be re+introducing Dedicated Servers to the game, in addition to the matchmaking system that will allow you to choose to either party up and matchmake publicly or set up your own dedicated server with full control of the rule sets, admin rights, ban lists, and control that you were familar with from Call of Duty 4 days

    Kommentar från Rasmus Kung

    Hey there! I loved Call of Duty:Modern Warfare! But then you released Moder Warfare 2, and my hopes and belives in a good game got shatterd, Cuz' the game wasnt anything like the previous and sucked ass. Sorry to say! There are too many 12 year old whiners too in the new games. Well, go back to the origins and ill come back! Now to my question, How are you gonna compete with Battlefield 3 in the more experienced players like me? Give me 3 good reason why to buy your game.

    Robert Bowling: The design philosophy for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer is all about returning to that gun+gun combat, still giving a variety of air support options, but reducing their damage and effectiveness so that they are SUPPORT and not a replacement for your abilitiy to get kills.

    Robert Bowling: In addition, weve increased gun damage overall and reduced explosive damage overall'
    Glen Schofield: I don´t look at directly competeing with BF3 like everyone expects. i wake up everyday and think about how our we going to make the best MW game ever. We push the team to the highest quality possible, a well polished experience and a cinematic adventure that they've never been on before. Thinking about the competition all the time, I learned a long time ago, is counterproductive. Make a great product and let the rest will follow.

    Robert Bowling: Furthermore, for our competitive community, who really want a customized experience, weve blown out the private match options that allow you to fully customize your own game modes or existing game modes as well as restrict classes, weapons, or anything else in the game that you feel may not fit your preferred style and then share those rules and game modes with your friends via Elite.

    Glen Schofield: I'm letting Robert give you three reasons because I can't get my list to just three
    Robert Bowling: Therefore, with the variety of playlists for every playstyle (standard game modes, specialty game modes, hardcore game modes, etc.) along with private match options you have full control over, gives you an option to enjoy the game any way you like.

    Robert Bowling: So to answer your question directly, the 3 reasons I think you're going to love Modern Warfare 3 is because

    Robert Bowling: 1) Back to Basics philosophy of gun on gun gameplay rather than random explosives and air support dominating.

    Robert Bowling: 2) Ability to fully customize your experience

    Robert Bowling: 3) More focus on objective and team play than every before with the new strike package system, weapon proficiencies, and gear that allows to support the team as well as get kills.

    Kommentar från Felix

    Have you guys included dinosaurs yet?

    Robert Bowling: The inclusion of Dinosaurs in Modern Warfare 3 is extremely important to the team, but most importantly, to me personally. The complete and utter lack of Dinosaurs in Modern Warfare 2 was a black mark on my career and something I never want to repeat again.

    Kommentar från Burre

    How many players will be able to play online at the same time ?
    Robert Bowling: Multiplayer is designed for 2 to 18 players while Spec Ops Co Op modes are designed for max 2 players.

    Kommentar från BW

    What issues from previous CoD games had the highest priority to be fixed for MW3?

    Robert Bowling: First and Foremost, balance is the most important thing to us when it comes to online multiplayer. Bringing it back to a skill based gun on gun focused combat and removing the stuff that took away from that experience.

    Robert Bowling: So we removed One Man Army, reduced the power of expslovies and noob tubes overall, increased gun damage, removed Last Stand and Second Chance, removed Commando, took out the Game Ending Nuke

    Robert Bowling: furthermore, security and anti+cheat was a major focus because of the problems we had with Modern Warfare 2. We added a lot of work to the back end to allow us to lock down the game even further from hackers, as well as allow us to update the game quicker and more easily toa ddress issues. We also added a Report a Player feature in game, and can review games - stats - and game details to catch and take action of cheaters.

    Robert Bowling: We will have a dedicated team post+launch to monitor and address cheating, hacking, and modding concerns to keep the game fair, balanced, and fun for everyone.

    Glen Schofield: From my point of view I came to the game as a huge fan yself and as a game designer I found MW 1 and 2 to be two of the best games ever made. One of the things though that i wanted to work on was the story. Although it didn't need to be fixed, it could be better and IW agreed. we spent so much time creating a great story, with good characters and pacing. In addition we worked on the AI system, the animation system as well as the audio. Not that they were broken and needed to be fixed but that there was room for improvement and helped the overall cinematic experience, but more importantly the "fun factor".

    Kommentar från Alex M

    Is MW3 going to be the last game in the Modern Warfare-series?
    Robert Bowling: I don't know. We really don't start thinking about what will come next until we finish with the game were working on. Right now all of our focus is delivering on Modern Warfare 3 and the pay off for the investment players have put into the characters and conflict that we started with Call of Duty 4.

    Glen Schofield: I've been so heads down on this game that i haven't been thinking about the next. We haven't had any discussions about the next game. Time to rest up and talk about stuff like that after we launch.

    Kommentar från John

    MW2 got critics cuz of No Russian, any similiar missions in MW3? And quickscoping, how is it gonna be in mW3

    Robert Bowling: Quickscoping will be in Modern Warfare 3, very similar to how it worked in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. However, now with the new Weapon Proficiencies in multiplayer there is a lot more variety in playstyle in both how you can customize and specialize in your sniping playstyle in addition to how assault players can customize theirs to be even better opponents.

    Glen Schofield: we never go into a design meeting and think about how to create something controversial. Our main goal is fun gameplay wrapped in great cinematic moments, story telling and pacing. You never know what people will think when they see something in the game but based on my own opinion i don´t believe there´s a "No Russian" type moment in this game. But there are some amazing set pieces that will blow people away.

    Kommentar från piknim

    Will the game-pace be as fast as it was in mw2 or is it slowed down or somehow changed? its the pace that i loved the most. things like quickscoping etc

    Robert Bowling: Fast paced, super smooth, infantry focused gameplay is what we're all about. That style is what sets us apart, even within the Call of Duty franchise (comparing MW to Black Ops).

    Kommentar från Sacharias

    Will you ever return to the world war 2?

    Robert Bowling: We never take anything off the table, nor do we discuss it when were working on a title. Right now, all of our focus is on Modern Warfare 3.

    Glen Schofield: Like we said before we don't think about our next game until its time to create the next game. But if the franchise ever went back to WW2 I don't think we'd call it Modern Warfare.

    Moderator: Okay, now it's time for the last question!

    Kommentar från Kanel

    What are you guys most satisfied on Moder Warfare 3 ? and why ?

    Robert Bowling: For me personally there are two major things that I'm most excited about for Modern Warfare 3, and they have to do with refinements just as much as innovations. First is the brand new Spec Ops Survival Mode, because it adds a completely unique experience to the game that we've never had before, by taking all the stuff I love from multiplayer and put it in a co-op mode so that I can get the best of both Single Player AI style combat with the features of multplayer.

    Robert Bowling: Second is the direction we're going this time with our multiplayer. I'm a Call of Duty 4 purist, and our refocus on that style of gameplay and balancing was so important to me, most importantly how we've really started focusing on our objective players (guys like me who play mostly Domination and Search and Destroy) to allow us the same rewards and incentives when playing as the traditional Kill / Death ratio focused TDM player. With the new additions of things like the pointstreak system, new gear like Portable Radar (great for S&D), as well as new game modes like Kill confirmed and Team Defender that encourage more team oriented gameplay than just run and gunning.

    Glen Schofield: There's a lot to b satisfied about in this game. I'm just proud that Sledgehammer games was invited to join the CoD family and work together with IW. But I´m satisfied with the overall product- there´s something for everyone in this game. Whether you're a Single Player, a co-op player or multiplayer, each section of this enormous game has been painstakingly detailed, polished and tested. There is a real personal touch in the entire game. We've listened to the community and to ourselves and have upgraded and improved (we feel) all aspects of the game. I think we're all satisfied with the end prouct and the experience each person will take away from it.

    Moderator: Now, let's say thank you to Aftonbladets readers for all the interesting questions – and thank you Robert Bowling and Glen Schofield for answering them!

    Robert Bowling: Thanks everyone! I really appreciate you taking the time to send in your questions and follow the updates on the game!

    Glen Schofield: Thanks so much for your support and the great questions. This has been a lot of fun. Hope to see you online in November!

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