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Thread: PC vs Console

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I think PC is better, here is why.

    First a pc can be as powerfull or as weak as you want it to be(or afford the price)

    Modding, In many pc games you can mod the game, just look at counter strike(half life) half life 2 Arma 2 Battlefield 2 and so on.

    The number of buttons, it might get confusing but more buttons are always better as they give you more options.

    A pc is much more than just a gaming station, it can do everything a console can do(except move/kinect stuff but who cares) only better.

    But consoles are better than pc in several ways.

    You dont need to install games to play them, you know the console can handle the games you buy. Also few things are better with a bunch of friends playing halo 3 while sitting in the couch. Also a good pc is much more expensive and you need to upgrade more often(if you want to stay on hte top, however if you dont need to play on ULTRA settings you can do with a midrange computer for years, I know I have)

    What I hate however is how many companies are turning further away from pc gaming and also releases more bad console ports and by that dont use the extra power of PCs*cough* ubisoft *cough*
    Last edited by paecmaker; 06-30-2012 at 01:11 PM.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by paecmaker View Post
    I think PC is better, here is why.

    First a pc can be as powerfull or as weak as you want it to be(or afford the price)

    Modding, In many pc games you can mod the game, just look at counter strike(half life) half life 2 Arma 2 Battlefield 2 and so on.

    The number of buttons, it might get confusing but more buttons are always better as they give you more options.

    A pc is much more than just a gaming station, it can do everything a console can do(except move/kinect stuff but who cares) only better.

    But consoles are better than pc in several ways.

    You dont need to install games to play them, you know the console can handle the games you buy. Also few things are better with a bunch of friends playing halo 3 while sitting in the couch. Also a good pc is much more expensive and you need to upgrade more often(if you want to stay on hte top, however if you dont need to play on ULTRA settings you can do with a midrange computer for years, I know I have)

    What I hate however is how many companies are turning further away from pc gaming and also releases more bad console ports and by that dont use the extra power of PCs*cough* ubisoft *cough*
    I must agree installing games are quite a fuss. But u get a big HDD , install the game once and ur done , most new games now dont require CD too to play them , just login via steam etc.

    If u have the cash , throw in a few SSD in it , U basically barely even load the game during loading anymore !

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2012



  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    In your thread


    Actually you can hook a kinect up to a PC and do more than an Xbox

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    At one time I would've said PC. But now I prefe to keep most of my gaming to my PS3, Wii, Vita or DS. I still use the PC for chess.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    For their price Consoles are better, however you can go far beyond the capabilities of a console if you invest enough money in a PC. As is happens I prefer consoles though I am prone to gaming on PC.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I like PC but there are some good games on console . I like the feeling playing rpg games on console but im getting use to playing it on pc. I like sports games on console.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by HYVOLTAG3 View Post
    I used to be a PC guy but then moved to consoles, and I am currently trying to mix the amount I spend on both. I believe that PC is better since you can update it(GFX card,Processor, etc.) unlike a console. You are basically stuck with what the console comes with. I don't want to keep waiting for the company's to come out with a new console, which is over priced and still worse than most gaming PC's. Don't get me wrong I love both, its just that I like to be able to update my PC so it gets better as the technology increases.
    That's my favorite part of PC gaming, the upgrading

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    I have been a PC person ever since I went into gaming as my parents never let me have consoles as a kid. I got my PC at the age of 13 and loved PCs ever since. I recently got a 360 though and it is nice to know it will play any game I put in it. The risk of the RROD is too much to bare most of the time so I only play it if I absolutely have to. I play on the PC because of the modding aspect of games on the PC. Plus I don't have a terrible comp so I can play almost anything on high graphics and I can even play very old games too.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    I was never really able to get into PC gaming, because I've never really had a PC that could handle the types of games that I enjoy. I've been a console person for as long as a I can remember, going all the way back to when I was obsessed with my GameCube. Most of my friends are not PC gamers, so it's also an easier way to stay in touch with some people over console.
    Last edited by Sed; 01-07-2013 at 11:37 PM.

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