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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default A new meta for LoL

    Me and a few friends were bored so we decided to try something new in League. One game we did two mid, so there was a solo bot and top, then a jungle. We did Morgana and Karthas against a lux and we dominated, I think I ended up 16/2 with Karthas. Two mid seemed to work really well because we had a huge harass because of the advantage of range we had and 2v1. Also if the jungle came to help, it just turned it into a 2v2 and we could pick up both kills easily with the snare from Morgana and the slow from the wall.

    We also tried 3 bot, with 1 mid and 1 top. We picked champs with a huge amount of CC, Alistar, Blitzcrank and Nautlius. I believe it was against a Xin and Wukong, a really annoying lane, but if blitz landed a grab it was an easy kill from all the CC. We also dominated that game as well, I ended up going 19/6/16 with blitz. We only tried both these once, but I think they'd keep working. No one seems to know what to do when there is 3 bot or 2 mid, were going to try it more to see if it will keep working, it' be funny to do in ranked game as well.

    It's pretty weird how both of these worked, we didn't expect them to do so as well as they did. Both were fun games to play, give it a try sometime if your playing with a friend or two, you'd be surprised how easy it makes the lane phase.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Its funny to experiment like this, everyone is so deep into the normal way of 1 mid etc. I also love doing all tank, I think we have won every game we did like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Eta Carinae


    I actually played several games 1v2 against me at mid. I still remember my first one, I was kat and went up against two champs (forgot what they were). I also remember whopping them. They may have just been bad, but I outleveled them very easily and once I hit 6 and wait for them to use their CC's on me, I'd just jump in and ult.

    I played 1v2 with Lux twice. First time didn't go so well, second time was just a few weeks ago against Galio and Ziggs. I didn't touch Galio, just aimed for Ziggs and Lux's long range makes it pretty easy to bypass them.

    I never did a 2v1 in my favor though. I always wanted to try but if you don't play with people you know, they get all mad and end up costing the game for you.

    Also seen a lot of double jungles, I would have to say that it works probably 50% of the time if they are effective. I got my ass kicked last week, I was jungle on my team as amumu and the other team had a Warwick and Shaco. They rolled the floor with my team.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Yeah if you do 2v1 mid ( your side with two ) you either have to keep killing you opponent, or stop her from farming and getting xp which is easy to do with 2 people. I've also seen things like ad carry and support got top and the solo lane bottom.

    Going to have to try to double jungle, not sure how it'd work, I guess you'd have to gank a lot. Counter jungling would be fun with two people though lol.

    I remember me and my friends were bored and we did a 3's game. We all just sat in the fountain saying we were going to gank. Everyone sat and hid for almost 10 minutes before the enemy decided it was safe to go lane, still level 1 10 minutes in lol. We lost obviously, but it was funny. We also tried playing really passive and just farming, never go in for a kill or anything. 25 minutes in we finally got first blood, good times..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    In your thread


    Only problem with that is that by reinforcing one lane you leave another outnumbered. If the other team pressed their advantage as much as you I am sure they would've evened it out fairly well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Yeah probably, just depends how fed you end up getting in the lane. Both times I've tried it we dominated our lane and it didn't matter about the rest. When we did two mid, we actually had a soraka solo bottom 2v1 and she ended up 2/2/1 at the end of laning phase. The lanes you're at a disadvantage at just have to play passive.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Omg that three bot game was hysterically. We waited in a tri-bush and at about a minute in we got First Blood lol grab from Nautilus, slam by Alistar and knock up (I think) from Blitz, fun times...

    Shout out to Eggs for the awesome signature

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