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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Thumbs Up How to talk to girls and get their number for gamers by gamers

    You know when you’re out, taking a “break” from your intense gaming session, having a nice chilling time with your buddies, and you see some attractive women.

    You want to talk to them, but you have no idea how to start? Today, I will share some tips with you guys that you can use immediately.

    A few mindsets you need to change about yourself and attractive women

    So, if you haven’t approached women, and hardly approach women, you are going to feel nervous and sweat like crazy. That’s known as approach anxiety. But that’s also a good thing, that’s your heart and brain telling you that she’s that one you find attractive, and you want to get to know her and date her.

    I don’t know what games you play, but I play WOW. So I will refer to that. Say you’re in a raid and you want to kill the boss, you don’t tell yourself you can’t do it right?

    Especially if you’re the leader, you will motivate the raiding team, and cheer them up, and say “Okay guys, one last time, and we definitely can kill this stupid boss, and get some good ****”.

    So when it comes to women, it’s the same. You can’t say things to yourself like:

    I can’t tell to her, she’s too hot for me.
    She doesn’t want me to talk to her.
    She’s probably attached, why bother?
    I’m a weak **** gamer, no girls will like me.

    Those above are negative mindsets and they won’t help you. Instead you should think in this manner:

    Wow, she’s hot. It would be nice if she’s my girl. Lets go chat with her.
    I’m a cool dude. She will want to talk to me.
    If she’s attached, then I will just go back to my friends and chill. IF she’s single, then awesome.
    I want to talk to her, she seems nice.

    If you think negative, chances are you won’t approach, because you talk yourself out of approaching the women. If you think positive, then you increase the chance of approaching the women, hence increase your chance of getting a date.

    Here are some unknown secrets that most guys don’t know:

    1) Women want AND like to be approached. Men want women, and women want men. But women can’t be the one approaching right? She will be seem as desperate. Women are the most passive ones, while men are the more proactive ones. So, actually it’s the men’s job to approach. If you want to date or a girlfriend, you have to approach – that’s the first step.

    2) You will “fail” and that’s okay, you only need to get it right one time. Ask yourself this question: how many times you failed in killing a difficult boss OR complete quest before you actually did it?

    For talking to women, it’s the same. Some will reject you right away, some will be open to talking to you, and some will be interested. Of course, the better you are in approaching and talking to women, the higher your success rate. Just like the better skills and battle gear you have, the higher chance of you killing the boss, and completing the quest.

    So when you see a woman you find attractive, just go over and say hi.

    Okay, saying “hi” sounds too simple to you guys, and you probably think it’s impossible. The truth is, it is. But to make it even easier for you guys, I will give you a simple line that I use all the time.

    “Hi I saw you from there, and I thought you look XXX (eg attractive, cute, hot, beautiful, gorgeous etc), and just want to come over and say hi. My name is XYZ”

    That’s it. A simple direct line, which I used on 1000s of girls, and of course, had gotten many numbers.

    I never got slapped. No girl called police to report me. No girls shouted molest. Nothing happened. The worst reaction I got from the girls and only a few times were “sorry, not interested”.

    And that’s it for the approaching part. Next step is to talk to her, and get to know her. Dating and relationship is about getting to know another person, and see if you are suitable for each other. For the next 5 to 10 minutes, just have a causal chat with her.

    Of course, the question you might ask is, what do I talk about?

    The answer: ANYTHING! The truth is you can talk about anything.

    And I’m going to reveal another secret to you: women’s favourite topic. Know what that is?

    It’s HERSELF.

    Now, everyone’s favourite topic is herself or himself. If someone talks to you about you and the games you play, you probably can go on and on for hours.

    So when you’re talking to the girl, ask her questions about herself. Here are some great reasons to let her talk about herself.

    1) When she’s the one talking, you won’t have to talk, and you can just listen. If you’re the shy type, then listening is probably easier than trying to figure out what to say, yes?

    2) When she’s talking about herself, you get to know her, and you know if you want to date her or not. Maybe after a while of chatting with her, you find that she’s kind of crazy, you wouldn’t want to ask her out anyway right?

    3) If she talks about herself, at the end of the conversation, she’s probably find you a very interesting person, even though you didn’t say much during the conversation.

    So, one strategy you can use is what we all learned during our English classes – 5W1H – Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.

    Some simple questions you can ask:
    What do you like to do for fun?
    What do you do for a living?
    Where are you from?
    How do you find this club/bar/place?
    Do you frequent this place?
    Who are you with?

    Of course, these are really simple questions, but you should take some time, and expand these questions that you can ask. The most important thing is that you’re talking to her to get to know her. So ask her things that you want to know about her.

    Really, you can talk about anything under the sun. But, for starting, don’t tell the girl you’re a gamer. It’s NOT the first thing women look for in a man. You can share with her that some other time.

    After talking for a while, if you think she isn’t a crazy person, and maybe a girl that you can convert to a gamer girl, get her number.

    Here’s the line you can use:

    “Hey, it’s been fun talking to you, I want to get back to my friends. But I do want to see you again. Give me your number, and we will grab coffee someday.”

    Then take out your phone, go to the number pad, and pass it to her. Smile and shut up. ☺

    That’s it.

    If you’re a normal guy with above average conversation skills, then chances are she would give you the number. Take her number, bid goodbye and join your friends.

    If she doesn’t give, there are a few reasons:

    You didn’t manage to attract her – that’s okay.
    She’s attached – that’s okay too.
    You’re weird – that’s okay too, lol. It’s possible to change

    Rinse and repeat, talk to the next hot girl. It’s really just like gaming. You failed a couple of times at the same boss, but do you stop? You continue playing, and you figure how to better kill the boss. In dating case, you improve yourself as a man, and become a more attractive man to women.

    If you got her number, then great. Wait a two or three days, and give her a call, and continue the conversation you two dropped off..

    That’s it for this post, if you guys like, I post more.

    Please comment, and feedback. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Haha Very well made post! A lot of women like a confident man, so just put on your big boy pants and get in there and at least act confident! :P

    The one thing I must disagree with: "And I’m going to reveal another secret to you: women’s favourite topic. Know what that is? It’s HERSELF." I think the biggest mistake you can make with women is assuming that they are all the same. I, for one, hate talking about myself. I love to listen. Granted, I love to tell stories too, but I like to listen more. A dude I'm friends with posted this on FB:

    Again, assuming all girls want the same things. Like are you kidding me? lol Good monring/night texts? Puhlease. If you text me the second you wake up and right before you go to bed I'm going to assume you're clingy... A cute stuffed toy dog to hug? lmao This one is my favorite. Almost as bad as flowers.... if you're going to get a girl something, get her something that you know she enjoys... not a crap cliche arsed gift. Cuddling while watching Netflix? I'd much rather get laid and then share a couple of brewskies while playing a game together. The whole list just made me lol :P

    Overall, just be yourself man. Dating over the years I've found that if you cut through the bs, it makes everything so much better. Be yourself, don't lie to impress. That last thing you want is for someone to fall for the person you're pretending to be.

    Now, this is all assuming you're looking for a longtime partner... if you're looking for a one night stand, then abso-freaking-lutely go the cliche route! Lie about yourself, romance the other person, whatever :P
    Last edited by Mizel; 09-15-2014 at 01:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    That cant be true, I have heard that the best way to get girls is to lock yourself away and stay away from human contact AT ANY COST. If you are forced to get into social situations be in the back and dont say a word, dont look at anyone, ESPECIALLY NOT IN THE EYES. After some time all chicks will think you are mysterious and will flock around you.

    Source: I have been doing this for several years, any time now.

    I sincerly hope you guys dont take this seriously. : p

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    And don't forget pick up lines! Women *love* pick up lines:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Dont forget, you must have this face when you do your pickup line as well.

    edit: this will work to.

    Last edited by paecmaker; 09-18-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Canada, EH!


    Hey bb u a pokemans trainer because I wunna pikachu.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    The nr1 pickup line goes to.
    When you meet a girl...

    "Hi, (look her up and down) you'll do "

    (random pick from zeh internet)
    Last edited by paecmaker; 10-07-2014 at 01:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by paecmaker View Post
    The nr1 pickup line goes to.

    (random pick from zeh internet)
    lolol Creepiest pic ever!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    And here is how you know if she is interested in you and wants your number. Just as your conversation is getting heated and things are going well, make up some reason why you have to leave. Dont be all "Uhhh my dog is about to die so im gonna leave" Be like, "It was nice talking to you, I have to get back to ________ (whatever you are doing) should text me some time!" At this moment, magic happens, becauseeee, if she thinks you are cute or funny, and would simple like to hangout some other time, she will say, "Well how am I gonna do that, I dont have your number?" BAM! that is when you giver her your number! then if she ever text you, you will know she likes you. However, if when you say text me some time, and she says, "ok!" and simply walks away, that means she is not interested in you, and you wont have to embarrass yourself trying to find other ways to get her attention!

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