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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    New York State

    Default Big' Ol Collection.

    I'm honestly afraid I'll run outa space.

    Lou Lou! Mama Shouts
    How I wish for love and care
    As other children share
    I once got it from my dad
    A man murdered him, mama was not sad
    She started whipping and screaming at 2 year-old me
    I'm lucky to have reached the age of 9 you see
    She locks me away
    A word against it I dare not say
    She slams open the door late in the night
    She grabs my arm and holds it tight
    She grabs a knife ripping at my legs
    Then she starts slamming my arms with pegs
    Before locking me away with two crackers and a cup of water
    If i make one mistake I'm scared my face she will alter
    Mama wanted a male,
    But I was a fail.
    I do not dare make a sound
    As I hear her fists pound
    On the last night of my I'm alive
    She looks at my closet before grabbing a knive
    She drags me out
    Up against the wall she starts to short
    She draws on my arms with that sharp knife
    As I begin to wish for the end of my life
    Finally she stabs me good and hard
    I'd played my final card
    She drags me off in a sack filled with rocks
    Plus dad's old pair of socks
    Throws it in the river
    Watching until water covered every sliver

    I Grabbed My Heart

    Held it tight
    The wind was howling that horrible night
    I felt a daze
    My brain was crawling through a maze
    I was sick
    I awoke full of nicks
    In a pool of blood
    My head hurt, I felt like crud
    The moon was full night had fallen
    Shadows began to tallen
    My heart beat faster than before
    It was instinct something was happening at the core
    I awoke again in a dark cave
    A figure approached, it said "you are my slave"
    Something small yet approached "up" it said
    I understood
    I stood up wobbly hurt
    That night the creatures treated me like dirt
    The next morning fell awake on a hospital bed
    "You are alright" a familiar voice said
    I was injured bled horribly
    "Tisk whatever" another said sourly
    My eyes opened full of awe
    For what I saw
    Made me smile
    All I knew on my side single file
    I slept well that night
    For now again I felt right

    A picture on the wall

    I stood looking at it
    Not knowing what to make of it
    It was hideous but lovely
    It was an odd picture of a man named Dudley
    I asked who is he
    Someone answered, nobody knows but me
    I looked around I was the only one I could see
    I heard no breathing saw no shadow
    I asked where are you? Nobody'd show
    A prickle down spine
    I ran off just in time

    The Forest

    Running through the forest
    Far from known
    Better keep running
    Or you'll be shown
    You hear a cackle
    Another laugh
    A twig breaking cackle
    Run some more
    Stop and rest
    Catch your breath
    You don't whats in store

    I Crave to Be Couragous
    I crave to be couragous
    To start and end a ruckus
    To overcome my fears
    To overcome the laughs and jeers
    So quietly take my arm
    To be couragous or not. Not, darn
    Save my neck
    Cause a wreck
    I crave to be couragous

    On The Line

    Lives on the line
    Thats a horrid sign
    Children leaving
    Parents weeping
    To heaven or hell
    None can tell
    Holding to the beat
    Anxiously sitting on your seat
    Don't leave me
    I can't live with-out you, you see
    A tickling feeling once they die
    They have breathed there last breath and held there last sigh

    Horrible wounds
    Scary sounds
    On the death bed
    What more could there be said
    Strangeness at wake
    Hearts at stake
    Deathly coming
    Killing with the cunning
    Just so,
    An untied bow
    Horrible art,
    Thats just the start
    Oh rubbish
    Starved or beaten
    Or eaten
    Time for me to die

    Kill me now
    Kill me now
    Don't tell me how
    A dagger to the neck
    A poisonous speck
    Staring down from heaven
    I'd give you fortune, a billion and 7.
    Please and thank you
    Kill me its true
    Staggering in the dark
    In a nark
    Kill me now
    Don't tell me how

    The newborns
    Have you heard? Kittens were born last night
    Such an adorable site
    They're sitting on a bed
    Their mum's still a bit red
    Lovable and sweet
    Cuteness unable to beat
    They're black and brown
    They seem like they'll never be down
    Small enough to hold in you hand
    After the snow thaws they can play in the sand
    Cute little eyes
    Girls and guys
    Lovable and sweet
    Having kittens is such a treat
    We'll enjoy them so
    But I have to go

    Try Me
    Hit me with rock
    Stick a snake in my sock
    Get a swarm of bee's
    Chasin' me
    Try me
    I bet you please
    You won't win
    You'll just have burnt skin
    Trifle Doom
    You'll be first to your tomb
    Rah rah
    I'll beat you
    No matter what you do
    Strong I am
    I'll battle the army of Afghanistan (no offense)
    A knife to the chest
    Laid to the rest
    I will win
    Watch it Lynn

    Blue VS Blue
    Blue VS Blew
    Who will be said BOO! to?
    Who shall be cheered for
    Who will be lied dead upon the shore?
    Blue VS Blew
    The epic battle to
    Decide who
    Is the best Blu
    Claps and cheers
    Boo's and jeers
    Who shall win
    Who's head will be thrown in the trash bin?
    Who shall lose
    Who will get money for new shoes?
    Blue or Blew
    This will be fun don't say Boo-Who!

    Misery about
    You cry and you pout
    The poor begging
    Ripped leggings
    Dressed in rags
    Broken bags
    The graveyard full
    A bad-luck mole
    Bills high
    On no here comes the taxin' guy
    The blizzards coming
    People runnin'
    Your gonna have to be in it
    On your bed you will sit
    Death coming closer each day
    Thats what doctors say

    Don't leave me!!!
    Oh dear mummie don't leave me
    Don't have it made to put me in an orphanage by sea
    Daddie already gone
    William died terribly young
    I can't go in this harsh world alone
    Soon to be put under a tombstone
    Everybodies far from here
    None willing to take me near
    Don't make me not speak your name
    Don't die or i will do the same
    My heart-broken
    My eyes soaken
    A ache in my heart
    I can't do this part
    Don't leave me
    Please please.

    As I Ran
    A creature was chasing me
    I ran as you see
    The leaves crunched under my feet
    "I have to run" I thought "or I'm deadbeat"
    It was Goxxie chasing me
    She not the girls thats pretty and drinks tea
    It was dark
    Above me i heard a lark
    I was lost in the hollow
    With a monster chasing me what sorrow
    I saw the moon full as can be
    Staring down on me
    I was tired Goxxie was not
    "Well I'm caught"
    Visions of me came to be
    Eaten by her like cheddar cheese
    But then i saw
    She was gone and in front of me was ma!

    The creature in the wood
    Very far from good
    If you say her name
    You will receive great pain
    Kills the deer
    She gives all great fear
    The monstrous beast
    So powerful every night she has a feast
    Hidden under a log
    This log is in the fog
    Underneath the ground
    Is her home so sound
    In her galley
    Not the best place for you or sally
    Rabbit stew
    Deer stew too
    Lesson learned I hope
    Don't cross the run rope
    To the wood
    Not you should

    Feel My Wrath

    A scourging fire
    Don't think I'm a liar
    A knife in your eye
    Snakes where you lie
    It is NOT what it may seem
    You may have the better team
    I will win
    Watch while the lights are dim
    Screaming voices from beneath
    The creatures teeth
    As your blood begins to seep
    I have won you are to be buried VERY deep

    Casininie dear
    I'm afraid this will be my last tear
    Death is upon me
    My corpse is probably the last of me you will see
    My hand trembles as i think.
    To the depths of Hell will i sink
    Or up to heaven on a golden wing
    Which presence of which king?
    Will there be afterlife at all
    I will know as i begin to the death fall
    Remember me please
    I give you the family to seize

    Slave Behave
    Freedom Just out of reach
    Wishing to get out when Mas'er Heart leaves to preach
    Miz Lilly has the whip
    I must behave, or on top of me it will say R.I.P
    Hiding in the trees
    I hear a faint sneeze
    A man has come for me
    His name is Lee
    Over hills through trees
    He leads me to freedom with ease

    The Luck
    You barely reached the islands shore
    Before you knew it you were standing on gold floor
    A maiden waiting on you
    Doing anything you ask her to
    Eating a feast
    In the far east
    Tonight you have duck
    What luck

    Fake Love
    Fall upon young
    Hold your tongue
    young love
    almost like a dove
    It comes fast
    before you know it, its in the past.

    Barrels roll
    I paid the toll
    Upon horse
    On a cruel course
    Also on feet
    You go through wind snow rain and sleet
    Food is gone
    Finally travel is done

    Bright as air
    You were there
    When we saw that dark flare
    It laughed and it screamed
    Like it made us defeat
    Then we saw
    It had no eyes at all
    Then my eye shut
    When it opened a man was saying, but....
    A clear voice with a horrible ting
    It said Staren! How you fail to bring me the magic wing?
    Try again to bring me it
    So i can make darkness bit by bit
    Then something warm shook me from my sleep
    A warm hand on my cheek
    You said, Levere?
    While i felt hurt to very severe
    With me lying on a hospital bed
    Are you alright? You said
    I blinked and saw
    The nightmare had not happened after all!

    Your Hand felt cold
    Your hand was cold
    I knew what that told
    Weeping at your feet
    Your eyes white from defeat
    They tried to make me leave
    But i knew i had a message to receive
    A faint whisper foretold
    That i was bold
    As i see
    You wish to have died with me
    It said
    Then i felt a rush of air by your deathbed
    You rose almost like alive
    All you said, was goodbye

    Lives ready to crumble
    People hearing a rumble
    Fires killing
    Tax collectors billing
    Scary men
    One named Ben
    Goodbye Earth
    You are no longer worth

    Evil men arunning
    Men arunning
    Sons of Cunning
    being cruel dying in duel
    killing for the pleasure
    or the treasure
    take a rest
    wish you the best
    death await
    If so soon i will meet you at the gate

    The Black Knight
    The Black knight searches for me
    and kills all thee who defend for me
    my heart pumping
    the ground thumping
    shimmer the star
    soon i will leave and go yet far
    Goodbye forever
    Goodbye we will meet again never

    The scare
    The scare erupted
    A scream was heard
    a figure merged from the dark
    its was horrible, the trees almost lost there bark
    black as the ink in a book
    yet white as a hook
    the figured floated to me and said,
    Begone! your loved one is... dead

    Spun Gold
    You've spun gold
    As i was foretold
    People kill for it
    Collecting every last bit
    Not be vain
    And give my family shame,
    How do you do it?
    Do you do it with a candle lit?
    What material do you use
    Please tell me that and some news

    Here is Also A Poets Guide To Poetry

    Last edited by Kiss; 07-14-2008 at 07:35 PM.

    Hi! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaak.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Holy moly.
    Is that every poem you've written on here? :]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    New York State


    Yep. Plus a few from before

    Hi! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaak.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    That's a lot. And they're all quite good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    at my house


    Yeah I love your poems they are awesome
    I cant write poems

    made by Th3-Devils-Princess
    Joe Mauer is the best catcher

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