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  1. Season 5 (5 replies)
  2. Dat Damage Doe (1 replies)
  3. Teemo Can't Carry :( (5 replies)
  4. League of Legends Referral system (0 replies)
  5. The New Rift Lives!!! (6 replies)
  6. Twisted Treeline Combo of Doom (0 replies)
  7. 10 game winning streak - is League Broken? (1 replies)
  8. Raiden, is that you? (New Yasuo Skin PBE) (5 replies)
  9. Gamers Forum Ranked Team Season 4 (7 replies)
  10. Gamers Forum Ranked Team (1 replies)
  11. No Match History? (2 replies)
  12. New skins for Malphite and Aatrox (3 replies)
  13. League of Legends Scholarship (3 replies)
  14. Diana Penta (2 replies)
  15. League of Legends Visual Update (3 replies)
  16. Losing Streaks? (6 replies)
  17. HAckers (4 replies)
  18. Feral Flare Junglers (7 replies)
  19. Braum * skins (0 replies)
  20. My first PENTA (7 replies)
  21. Need a Top Laner for Tonight 4/16 (0 replies)
  22. Rune Changes Inbound (6 replies)
  23. Teaching my friend invading. (3 replies)
  24. Season 4 (48 replies)
  25. Think they were mad? (0 replies)
  26. League hacked Gamer Arrested (8 replies)
  27. Pretty sure Brand is my new favorite (5 replies)
  28. LCS Team Changes (5 replies)
  29. GF Ranked Team (33 replies)
  30. Teemo Hatred at it's finest. (2 replies)
  31. Jax Build (2 replies)
  32. Last ranked game of the season. (2 replies)
  33. So I was trolling on my smurf account today... (1 replies)
  34. Solo Ranked Games (11 replies)
  35. Skin Mods that Riot Allows? (11 replies)
  36. Smart Cast (4 replies)
  37. Troll Team? (6 replies)
  38. Playing with Randoms. (4 replies)
  39. Blade of the Ruined King apparently is an extreme Karthus buff. Huh. (2 replies)
  40. 1000 Wins (8 replies)
  41. Anyone do 3s ranked? (4 replies)
  42. Maokai is a beast in the jungle (17 replies)
  43. Nocturne does not know what it means to die. Only kil. (14 replies)
  44. My first support game (20 replies)
  45. Amumu Penta (44 replies)
  46. Don't Turret Dive Karthus (0 replies)
  47. How do you pronounce the champion names? (10 replies)
  48. Not Bots (5 replies)
  49. Season 3 patch (12 replies)
  50. Smite Beta Key (3 replies)
  51. LoL Trolls (3 replies)
  52. A new meta for LoL (6 replies)
  53. Looking for LOL team of 5 Ranked (4 replies)
  54. Wow. Just Wow. (13 replies)
  55. League of Legends (1 replies)
  56. Penta Kill with Lee Sin (11 replies)
  57. Special Valentine’s Day Sale! (2 replies)
  58. New Champion: Nautilus Art Spotlight (0 replies)
  59. Champion Sneak Peek - Nautilus (15 replies)
  60. Standard rune/masteries? (36 replies)
  61. League of Legends Summoner Names (14 replies)
  62. New League of Legends Social Group (0 replies)
  63. Noob Teams (64 replies)
  64. Sejuani Patch Preview (6 replies)
  65. Sad 5v1 (11 min win) (2 replies)
  66. This is why you shouldn't double jungle (7 replies)
  67. Christmas Present from Riot (2 replies)
  68. Penta Kill with Teemo (5 replies)
  69. Getting some people together (0 replies)
  70. Evelyn? (2 replies)
  71. 32 Million Players on League of Legends (1 replies)
  72. Ever Do a 5v1? (7 replies)
  73. What would Heimerdinger do? (South Park parody) (2 replies)
  74. Shyvana!! (10 replies)
  75. Be a man! (2 replies)
  76. Together (18 replies)
  77. Total Graves Ownage (24 replies)
  78. Any of you actually tank? (9 replies)
  79. LoL IGN: (6 replies)
  80. Help Your Fellow Gamers. (8 replies)
  81. Kog'Maw Glitch (4 replies)
  82. Dominion Fully Available Now (11 replies)
  83. Dominion Opinions / Times (12 replies)
  84. Selection Screen Glitch (4 replies)
  85. Anyone like playing DOTA game? Should try this out!!! (5 replies)
  86. What champions do you own? (51 replies)
  87. Ownage (3 replies)
  88. League of Legends Dominion (12 replies)
  89. The mindset of a team player (5 replies)
  90. Hybrid Kennen build/guide (2 replies)
  91. Most kills in one game of League of Legends? (15 replies)
  92. Should I get LoL (12 replies)
  93. Looking for a gaming buddy. (1 replies)
  94. League of Legends (Free Game) (1 replies)
  95. The Greatest League Of Legends Video Ever !!! (14 replies)
  96. League of Legends (10 replies)
  97. Do I have bad timing or what? (2 replies)
  98. League of Legends issue... (5 replies)
  99. LoLin' time! (6 replies)
  100. This is BS!!!!!!!!!!!(League of Legends) (67 replies)
  101. League of Legends favorite Character (76 replies)
  102. LoL players hoooooooooooooooooooooooh! (50 replies)
  103. League of Legends (you'll love it when you see it) (2 replies)
  104. league of legends (34 replies)