View Full Version : Beat the Reaper

01-08-2009, 07:05 PM
Leonardo DiCaprio may soon star in a movie called Beat the Reaper. Cool title right? It instantly conjures up images of Leo engaged in a battle of wits with death, going one on one with the grim Reaper himself in wicked games of chance and perhaps even a rousing round of Battleship. Well forget it, this isn’t that interesting.

Beat the Reaper is based on a novel about a guy running from the mob. Yep, another mob movie. You can’t get too many of those! I can, but apparently you can’t or they wouldn’t keep making them. This particular mob movie is about an emergency room doctor who is actually a rat in the witness protection program. A mobster patient recognizes him, and his life gets complicated. “Complicated” is the word Variety chose to use when breaking this story. I would have gone with “bullet-filled”.

The rights to the book have been acquired by New Regency and it’s being produced by DiCaprio’s production company. No one’s entirely certain if he’s really going to be in it, but it’s a mob movie and what actor could pass that up? Certainly not Leo DiCaprio.

Sounds cool

01-08-2009, 08:38 PM
Yea, might be interesting to watch..... I'll decide if it's theater worthy when I see a trailer.

01-13-2009, 07:18 PM
It sounds pretty cool.
Hopefully DiCaprio can pull off the role.

01-13-2009, 07:30 PM
DiCaprio is a good actor and I liked a lot of the movies he was in, can't say any that I didn't like from the top of my head, this one sounds good and usually movies based on movies are interesting even though they usually cut off a lot of things and change things up lol - I never read the book so I can't say I'll be pointing those things out here.

hope its good

01-13-2009, 11:28 PM
this is what I like In order, not many but the top 3 are amongst my favs of all time

The Basketball Diaries
The Departed
Blood Diamond
Catch Me If You Can

01-13-2009, 11:42 PM
I never saw the basketball diaries, i liked all the ones you mentioned, no order for me, I probably like Blood Diamond the most

and recently he was in that movie Body of Lies which was also pretty good.