View Full Version : What do you Thik Of MY Two New Signatures?

02-16-2009, 03:14 PM
Yeah, Rate Them, CnC, Comment, or Whatever. Just tell me what you Think. The first one I made for the SOTW 60, and the other one I made for a contest between my friend.


02-16-2009, 04:08 PM
8/10 They're great, I like the top one best :)

02-16-2009, 05:58 PM
7/10 and 7.5/10

Both look like they need more of the render

02-16-2009, 07:43 PM
Both are looking great Juice, but I agree with Jacob there..

around 8/10 for both

02-17-2009, 04:42 PM
Good job on them... the bottom hurts my eyes a little, but it's probably just me.

02-26-2009, 12:00 PM
my monitor is dark, the last one looks great 9/10 :-P good job

02-26-2009, 01:30 PM
I would suggest going a little easier on the brushes and look into developing your own talents and style, personally.
I've been in the graphic industry and I've run forums for years now and recently, I've notice a lot of the brush spamming and glass, fractals, and explosive measures with the wild coloration - and I would just say, if that's the true style of you, then awesome.

Design for yourself though. It's art. It's you. <3 Don't fall into the Lemming category.

Excellent work though on placement and structure.

03-03-2009, 09:51 PM
Top one:
Needs better flow
You need serious lighting help
Bad C4D placement, if that if one
Random blue?
Top left hand corner, what is the small green line?

Bottom one:
You need more depth
Bad C4D placement
text kills it

Otherwise, nice:)