View Full Version : I got two supa long poems!

02-25-2009, 05:49 PM
I was in a bad-saddish mood on these.

I am forgotten
Do you even know my name?
I thought you'd remember me,
But boy, was I wrong.
I trusted you,
But you left me in the dust.

From then on out I was forgotten,
It didn't take a thought
Everyone looked past me
Like I wasn't there
The anger boiled inside of me,
I felt myself in tears

Why did you do this?
I never hurt you.
Since when am I illegitimate
Just because of you?
Was there something wrong with me?
Did you even think?

And to this day,
I weep at my bottom.
For even in my family,
I am long forgotten.
I am alone,
Nobody bothers with me.

I starve myself,
And continue waiting,
For my suffering to be noticed,
I sit in that spot day after day,
Never moving,
Never thinking.

I am now a ghost,
But wisp of air.
Sitting next to my corpse forever,
For now its just a skeleton,
Because you ruined me.
You destroyed my heart.

How I hate you now,
As the emotion spills out,
Ghosts can cry,
I know have learned,
As tears of air,
Disappeared through the floor.

I never bother to disappear,
Now that that house is gone,
The lush forest but a desert,
The only thing there,
The only thing to move,
If I would.

I could haunt your grave,
But I am not that rude.
I wouldn't hurt your family,
Because it was only you.
I hate you,
I hate you now.

And now your grave is also long forgotten,
But your spirit hovers,
Right near me,
Asking me to forgive you,
But I do not hear.
Never moving, Never thinking.

You beg and plead,
At my airy feet.
You ask me for apology acknowledged,
But I do not respond.
My eyes are glassy,
Staring through you toward the sky.

And now my spirit sits in empty space,
Not a wisp of air.
The planet and the sun,
Are long gone,
But I am still there.
Nobody remembered me. But you. Apology acknowledged.

Locked in that cell
All my life
My hope crumbled
In front of me,
Until that night.

I thought I was mad,
Sprawled across the floor,
My speech was slurred
My eyes bright red,
A fever burning.

I thought I was delusional,
Seeing my hope and longing,
From the fever,
That burned me inside.
But you were real.

I saw your shoes,
Before I crumpled,
Almost to die,
Suffering to end.

But no.
I felt the tickle,
Of a breeze,
I opened my eyes
In the sunlight.

My fever still ablaze,
My heart skipped a beat.
What was this?
There was something soft
Under my feet.

I'd never seen green,
I'd never saw true light.
Only a candle,
When they fed me,

It was a strange thing,
To be out of that cell,
To do what I wanted,
To scream and yell,
And be heard.

Then I saw you.
My savior,
A man from god,
Finely forgiving me,
For sins I'd never done.

You smiled,
And fed me,
Told me to earn my strength.
For we would travel far,
Before truly being free.

I ate the food like a beast.
A bigger meal,
Than I ever ate,
You looked sorry and said
"We'll have more when we get there."

My eyes grew wide.
Larger amounts of food?
That was the most I'd ever had.
I couldn't wait,
To get moving.

Finally we left,
When you thought I was able,
We departed the strange spot,
My cell was small.

I'd never truly had walking space,
For the ceiling of my cell,
Had only been
As high as my shoulders.
I tripped and I stumbled.

I was blinded by the light,
Tripped by the plants,
Bit by the insects,
But free,
At last.

02-28-2009, 11:14 AM
I'm not much of one for poetry but good job. I like them... but you were right, they are long.