View Full Version : Hulu #4 video site in USA for Feb

03-25-2009, 11:44 AM
Hulu jumped two spots to become the fourth largest video site in the U.S. in February, according to the latest data from comScore VideoMetrix. Hulu drew an audience of 34.7 million people who watched 332.5 million video streams. That is a 42 percent increase in unique U.S. visitors, up from 24.5 million in January, and a 33 percent increase in streams, up from and 250.5 million streams.

In a single month, Hulu overtook Viacom and Microsoft in total viewers and video streams (see January data). And Hulu is catching up to No. 3 video site Yahoo, which streamed 353.5 million streams in February. Fox Interactive (MySpace) was No. 2 with 462.6 million streams. And YouTube once again blew everyone else out of the water with 5.3 billion streams.

Hulu is really becoming a major force in online video. Since comScore started measuring last May, Hulu has grown the number of videos it streams by 277 percent, and its audience has grown 410 percent. Nielsen VideoCensus data shows similar growth in streams (see second table below).



Youtube is such a beast and Hulu gaining more and more ground in the internet world never thought It'd do this well, always figured it'd fizzle out after a year or so

03-25-2009, 11:57 AM
It'll overtake yahoo soon enough, still has a lot of work before it hits google level - good job to them

410% audience growth is truly impressive.

03-25-2009, 05:16 PM
I wonder when/if Crackle will ever make the top 10

03-25-2009, 07:15 PM
I wonder when/if Crackle will ever make the top 10

where is it now?

03-25-2009, 08:07 PM
Dunno, never heard of them till like 2 days ago but they have a lot of content that isn't on Hulu so if they could get there name out they'd probably jump in the top 10 as well.

03-25-2009, 09:03 PM
Dunno, never heard of them till like 2 days ago but they have a lot of content that isn't on Hulu so if they could get there name out they'd probably jump in the top 10 as well.

ah. I've heard of them and probably visited and watched a few videos here and there, but can't call myself a regular of that place.