View Full Version : The Wrestler (spoiler ridden)

04-23-2009, 09:37 PM
So as you know Mickey was grabbing his chest and even collapsed during the final match before the ending of the movie and then it ended with him pinning Ayatollah, I'm of the opinion that the movie end prematurely and should have extended past the match to show several possible scenarios (1) Does he die? Does he just get put in the hospital, what really happened after the match health wise (2) Does Cassidy decide to not to go with Mickey after he ignored her plea not to wrestle due to heart attack a few week earlier? (3) Does his daughter decide to give him yet another chance. People on Neogaf beg to differ and ask if I need everything written on the wall to get the point, I beg to differ and come to the conclusion that they are just jumping the conclusions. What's your opinion?

04-23-2009, 10:40 PM
i agree it was a premature end but I think they did it on purpose to get you thinking..thats what my law professor says anyway (she says it's one of her favorite movies of all time)

who knows, they might have different endings when the DVD comes out - as for me, I think he dies winning his last match.

04-23-2009, 10:42 PM
I watched it on DVD

04-23-2009, 10:49 PM
I watched it on DVD

oh lol, I didn't even know it came out - haven't had the chance to look into it - saw the movie a while back.

04-23-2009, 10:51 PM
came out this tuesday