View Full Version : Help Me Halo3

05-23-2009, 10:56 AM
anyone got any tips or guides for me to pwn online :radar:

GF Eric
05-24-2009, 11:40 PM
anyone got any tips or guides for me to pwn online :radar:
Sure if your in a fire fight with one person throw a grenade at the ground and run backwards while shooting if they kill you you have a chance to kill them as well. But if you do enough damage the grenade will take the final kill.

If you see your out numbered, try and fall back to a location and spinal tap them and shot gun and/or sticky them. It will cut down their numbers and possibly catch them off guard.

If your have a vehicle, don't try and do a one man running rampage. 1 grenade can stop your vehicle and flip it over while the enemy gets their rounds in on you.

If you can't or don't know how to use a certain weapon, just leave it. Chances are your going to die and the enemy will gain the upper hand on you and your team.

Never stray from your team mates if your on a team. Good teams stick together to make sure to do maximum damage against their foe. If you run into 4 enemies your easy pickings.

That's all I got for now. Hope it helps.