View Full Version : Review Killzone 2

10-11-2009, 03:27 PM
Killzone 2 :


Killzone 2 shoves you into a world of amazing content, the Helghast have had enough and they are ready to defend themselves at all costs. Helghan is theirs and they will stop at nothing to protect it. As the game progresses you see more and more into what the Helghan are all about. With many weapons to choose from such as the sniper rifle or even the M4 revolver you can kill the Helghast in many different ways. You can even make things personal with the knife, let all of Helghan know that you mean business.

Even though there is really no difference in terms of game-play for either the ISA or the Helghast. It all just comes down to personal preference. The ISA are blue, depending on how you choose to view it, these would be seen as the “good guys” coming in to take over what is theirs. The Helghast are red, symbolizing the “bad guys”. These could also be just colors chosen to depict the two from each other.

The way the classes look for the ISA is a lot different then how the Helghast characters look. The ISA is more humanistic looking (because they are human), with blue and white clothes. The Helghast look more superhuman then alien. Their technology suits their environment best so they are more equipped for the battle at hand.

The graphics in this game are amazing, especially if you have a nice HDTV to look at them on. The attention to detail is great. The only problem that is really seen is the textures on the weapon when you are hiding behind an object. It because blurred out and looks almost 2D.

Now, before people go all crazy on me for giving this game a low score in this section, I only do it for the fact that this game isn't quite as easy as it could be for a new comer. The controls take quite a bit of getting used to and you have to find your favorite layout. Games shouldn't have to have their controls changed in order to be played.

Killzone 2 has amazing game-play. Fast paced and action packed. The multiplayer is even better then the single player, large scale games come with large scale battles. Fighting along side your friends, it couldn't be better.

This was an amazing game that should be played over and over again. The multiplayer is amazing and if you are a trophy person then this game is for you. It has the right amount of challenge and the right amount of easiness so you can ease right into it.

10-12-2009, 04:05 PM
This is the only shooter I have ever played on a console. Being a new-comer, it took me a week to get the hang of it, then i had to give it back. (rent was up). I agree with the graphics and the majority of what you've said, but - from what I remember - everyone was wearing black and I often shot my team-mates because I thought they were the bad guys... I'd love to see it in HD though. (didn't have a HD tv when i was playing it)

Nice review, but what did you score it as?

10-13-2009, 12:00 PM
Good review but I think you should categorize it a little more. And of course a Final Score.
Graphics, Story and Gameplay are three good categories to go with.

Though I liked Killzone 2, I had a blast playing resistance 2, it was better in my opinion.