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View Full Version : Echo Night, and Beyond Atlantis

10-11-2009, 05:25 PM
Echo Night is an older game for the PS1, yes I know, no one has that console anymore, it is out dated, but it did have some great games. Such as Echo Night. This game puts you in a world that is beyond imaginable. If you have never played it, perhaps you can find a simulator somewhere on the internet, also, I believe that the PS2 has an echo night 2 but I have never played that, so I could not say weather or not it is decent.
Beyond Atlantis, this game is for the PC and is absolutely one of the best strategy game I have ever played. You should try to find this, I have played the first and second game in the series, I am not sure if they have continued it, I would be excited if they did. My computer is unable to play any games right now. I have minimal memory and if there is too much junk, it shuts down... If I open more than one tab for instance. It shuts down instantaneously. So, leave comments on either games, other games that are similar, and if you have any tips on how to solve my memory problem (uhh what was I talking about again?...lol) let me know below! Thanks!