View Full Version : Help Me Freeware User Made Indie Game Non-Combat RPG: Haven Version 0.4.1 "Little Inkling"

11-27-2009, 09:35 PM
Rated M (Rated by me, not the ESRB)

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIsIjIs_SRE

Soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=2D9CD655675A9FBF&search_query=Haven+Soundtrack

Not all songs are in the soundtrack. Some are from a composer, Mr. Bosa, and some are from a player. I do not use these songs in my game, I use MIDIs (synthesized) versions. MIDIs are like SNES music and do not contain vocals.

Well, I suppose you could consider me an Indie developer. This is my first game. I'm making it with RPG Maker VX. Right now it's around 3 hours long, through one playthrough without doing any side quests!

Here's the whole spiel:

Story Synopsis:

You play the game as Cleril, a bard who has been asked to help the economy of the isle of Haven. The mayor actually requested Cleril's help to stimulate the slouching economy. Cleril is fairly known within the world as a genuine bard of his own class. Although many claim his work as crude and unusual, most find it enthralling and sometimes overly effective.

While helping the town is Cleril's motive, he is bound to be distracted,� without a doubt. After all, Haven has its cast of characters and dark history. But then it also has its pleasure and gleeful laughter about as well, or that could just be the drunken fools in the lowly pub. Perhaps even the graveyard is alive with dead or the Jester is showing much more than some cheap parlor trick...

Haven, is like a spring day in winter...as Cleril has told me once before. But his story has yet to be told.

World Development:

Haven, the name doesn't live up to its location. The first site I saw after arriving was the graveyard. The shrill tone of the wind brought a sad melody to my ears. I see a child here, why would such a thing be there? Children belong with tedious innocence and cursed joyfulness.

Then I found the local bar, full of poison. I never had a taste for liquor, it does nobody good. The owner seemed interesting to say the least, with his flicking tongue spouting sarcasm left and right. When I left, the smell stayed.

I arrived at the castle soon enough. A statue of a dragon imposed its splendor drinking from the water below. The guard laid nicely in the scenery of green grass. The dog reminded me of myself. What I saw inside was sadly nothing more than man made posh architecture.

And yet, still I did not see everything in Haven. I wonder when I will.


These are kind of old

ImageShack - (http://img16.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=havenpark.png)

And yes, I drew that picture myself ;)

Download and install instructions are here:

Instruction link: Haven V 0.4.7 Characterization by ~Cleril on deviantART (http://cleril.deviantart.com/art/Haven-V-0-4-7-Characterization-134168003)

The password is: Cleril

It's case sensitive, meaning the C must be capital.

Thank you for reading! :)

Oh, and multiple playthroughs are encouraged!

The game is and always will be free but I would appreciate any feedback you could give me. Please message me this feedback or post it in this topic.

Additional Stuff:

This is the bonus "disc" download and is currently V 0.4.5 compared to the game. I suggest playing the game first as much through as you can before downloading this as it does contain spoilers.

Download link: Haven Bonus Content.exe (http://www.mediafire.com/?z5idzm2zrwz)

Password: Cleril

Case sensitive.

The bonus content includes as of now:

Music Hall- Listen to all songs and sounds used in Haven, even at varying pitches of your choosing.

Gallery- See the graphics and body pictures or all characters in color or in a grey hue. Even see images I drew by hand and other images such as the title screen. Oh, and you can dress up as any character from the game.

Factoid Fun House- Random bits of information about Haven and me, the developer. No Easter Eggs here but you're sure to get a laugh out of it.

Remember, this content contains spoilers and it is recommended that you play the latest version if you don't want to spoil anything.

11-27-2009, 09:54 PM
Reminds me of Pokemon - Looks pretty good. I might try it out during my winter break if I have the time for it.

Good work and good luck :) Wish you Great success with this game and future projects.

11-27-2009, 10:01 PM
Give it at least 30 minutes, then you should be able to decide if you like it or not.

It's Non-Combat, not fighting involving the player. There are fights which indirectly involve the player and the player does have indirect participation in the fights but other than that the game has nothing similar to pokemon, zelda, etc. Just going down the list what people have said before.

Hope you enjoy it if you do play. I will updated this topic when updates are released, which they are on a weekly basis.

11-27-2009, 11:31 PM
The pokemon vibe came from the screenshots and parts of the trailer. I'll give it a try later on when I can. Feel free to use this thread as your official updates thread.

11-27-2009, 11:35 PM
Well, I do prefer to keep my players on a list and message them updates. Meaning those who I know will give FF (Feedback Food) on a regular basis get updates first. But eh...I'll just put up the bonus "disc" and everything else up here soon enough.

Thanks Linux, the one site where I don't get bashed for advertising my game, let alone keeping the topic updated to stay on the first page for more than 5 minutes.

*glares at The Escapist*

11-30-2009, 08:01 PM
Next update adds:

A park for Frostbite, the second isle you go to in the game.

More dialogue, extensive dialogue, for Luna.

Make your personal guard show up, if you have one when going to Frostbite.

Questions, comments, please quote this message.

12-05-2009, 03:34 PM
This version adds:

Extensive dialogue for Luna, after you complete her quest anyway you see fit.

Frostbite Park.

Haven isle was re-mapped and most of the fences were removed, a river runs through Haven now as well.

12-06-2009, 08:24 PM
reminds me of pokemon as well. But honestly doesnt look to interesting.

12-06-2009, 08:49 PM
reminds me of pokemon as well. But honestly doesnt look to interesting.

Nothing to do with pokemon at all. There is no leveling, no stats, no combat. However, there is a grand story of which you have nearly full input on the story.

For example, one of the first side quests you can do (Greg's Golden Grief) has 9 different endings, 5 different maps you get based on the ending (maps = environments).

That's just a side quest, one of 20 something quests total so far. ;)

12-11-2009, 05:32 PM
V 0.4.3 "Jestris has been released.

A new quest regarding The Jester.

Graveyard for Frostbite.

12-19-2009, 09:23 PM
Version 0.4.4 "The Hunter" includes:

Spelling errors fixed.

Forlorn Forest South East of Frostbite.

Frostbite's Graveyard

The Hunter character.


Haven V 0.4.4 The Hunter by ~Cleril on deviantART (http://cleril.deviantart.com/art/Haven-V-0-4-4-The-Hunter-134168003)

12-23-2009, 07:09 PM
a non combat game?

sounds like myst if anything.

i might have to give this a try when the next semester starts. I'll need something to do in between all my classes and stuff.

12-23-2009, 09:27 PM
a non combat game?

sounds like myst if anything.

i might have to give this a try when the next semester starts. I'll need something to do in between all my classes and stuff.

Certainly not like Myst. It's a Non-Combat RPG with puzzle and horror elements but it focuses on the storyline which you have control over. Therefore not like Myst, nor any other game in anyway. :mask:

12-24-2009, 10:11 AM
well i brought up myst cuz there's no combat, it's just visual-ness and storyline and puzzles...and that game scared the donuts outta me when i was younger

12-24-2009, 11:02 AM
well i brought up myst cuz there's no combat, it's just visual-ness and storyline and puzzles...and that game scared the donuts outta me when i was younger

Haven might scare you then. It tries to anyone during certain quests (insomnia). I know a few players have been anyway. :yes:

12-24-2009, 12:16 PM
when i was younger. nothing really scares me anymore (cept paranormal activity...*shudder*)

12-24-2009, 12:20 PM
when i was younger. nothing really scares me anymore (cept paranormal activity...*shudder*)

There are ghosts in Haven, as well as Cleril's insomnia which are the horror aspects of Haven.

12-24-2009, 12:21 PM
There are ghosts in Haven, as well as Cleril's insomnia which are the horror aspects of Haven.

i meant the movie lol

i'm deff gonna try this out sometime. i just dont know when.

12-24-2009, 12:27 PM
i meant the movie lol

i'm deff gonna try this out sometime. i just dont know when.

The game is updated weekly. Next update will add Lyle's laboratory and at least the Castle Grounds for Frostbite.

Note that Cleril is my pen name, as I am a Poet. The game has many Existentialist themes in it, some more pronounced than others.

It's philosophical entertainment.

Grey will be like Haven with player choice and such but it will be on rails.

12-25-2009, 12:19 PM
Update includes:

Lyle's Laboratory (not a quest)

The Wanderer (not a finished quest)

Castle grounds which includes:

Hot Air Balloon site

Frozen Over Ocean

The update is primarily setting things up and developing up Frostbite more. There is still more for you to do and explore.

Link with instructions on how to install and update if you have already installed:

Haven V 0.4.6 The Wanderer by ~Cleril on deviantART (http://cleril.deviantart.com/art/Haven-V-0-4-6-The-Wanderer-134168003)

01-03-2010, 12:13 AM
This update includes:

Spelling errors fixed in Haven, thanks thoranius! :)

Your partner can be found and talked to now, if you have any partner.

Your partner will be characterized. You can alter your partner slightly or drastically based on your actions. Though, one partner is a bit more physical (not sex) than the other.

It may seem like a small update but there is a lot of replay value is just this update alone with the talking to your partner bit.

Find it here:

Haven V 0.4.7 Characterization by ~Cleril on deviantART (http://cleril.deviantart.com/art/Haven-V-0-4-7-Characterization-134168003)

Below all of the normal instructions are the update instructions for new players who want to carry their save game over to the new version. You don't have to start over with every update. ;)

01-12-2010, 02:28 PM
Nothing new this week folks, sorry.

But I have fixed plenty of little tiny bugs and some larger ones.

Remember, FF is due by the 14th.

Haven V 0.4.7 Patch by ~Cleril on deviantART (http://cleril.deviantart.com/art/Haven-V-0-4-7-Patch-134168003)

01-17-2010, 07:06 PM
Update includes:

Main quest

Starts the second day of Frostbite (most characters say something new, will be updated later on as well.)

Maps change after end of quest.

A new type of puzzle. For the game anyway.



02-18-2010, 04:45 PM
The lastest link doesn't work D:

I never saw this before, I was gonna try it.

02-19-2010, 12:09 AM
The lastest link doesn't work D:

I never saw this before, I was gonna try it.

I stopped updating the topic since nobody apparently gave a damn.


Haven.exe (http://www.mediafire.com/?dxemtmtjjiw)

Password is Cleril, capital C.

If you want other games of mine just message me, if I got more interest I'd keep the topics updated. The February update for Haven isn't done yet but that's V 0.4.8, the latest released.

I have two other games that are playable, two are not playable yet. The Fall(en) and Peekaboo are playable. Grey and True RPG are being worked on every now and then.

02-23-2010, 02:13 PM
I will give haven a try.

Right after I make a media fire account.... damn

02-25-2010, 12:29 AM
I will give haven a try.

Right after I make a media fire account.... damn

Thanks, I have other games as well that I'll be putting up soon....if this interest keeps up.

02-27-2010, 10:45 PM
Downloading now, I'm looking forward to playing it after Peekaboo

02-27-2010, 10:57 PM
Downloading now, I'm looking forward to playing it after Peekaboo

Be aware it's not like Peekaboo. It has horror elements in certain quests but for the most part it's a unique story-driven non-combat RPG. You'll learn a lot about me while playing it as Cleril, the bard, is my pen name, as I'm a Poet.

You'll see the Existentialist themes though like in Peekaboo, the qoutes of Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, except in Haven they take the form of poems I've written.

It's also a lot longer, at least 4 hours per playthrough. With replay value as is right now....you can squeeze a good 20-30 hours I'd assume.

I'm still working on the next update but I plan to get that done after Peekaboo's update.

02-28-2010, 12:06 AM
Well, hour or two, not sure, of playing so far and I'm impressed!
The jester and the abandoned house were very interesting, along with the Inn night.

So far I'm really enjoying it, you're very talented in game making

02-28-2010, 01:02 AM
Well, hour or two, not sure, of playing so far and I'm impressed!
The jester and the abandoned house were very interesting, along with the Inn night.

So far I'm really enjoying it, you're very talented in game making

When you load the game you can see how long you've played. ;)

Both of those quests relate to something, you feel free to figure that out but it's explained much later in the game if you do the quests. By the way, all if not 90% of quests are interconnected in some way. Doing X quest will make X event occur in quest Y. I believe all quests have this effect so you can play around with how everything effects things.

I've been developing for 7 months now, Haven is my first game made. Then Grey, which isn't playable, then The Fall(en), which is done, then Peekaboo, then True RPG is my newest IP.

Oh, by the way, Haven, The Fall(en), and Peekaboo all take place in the same universe. The Fall(en) takes place before Cleril arrives in Haven and Peekaboo takes place in modern times. You won't see the connection perhaps in Peekaboo yet because Haven isn't complete.

02-28-2010, 09:34 AM
When do you plan on finishing Haven and Peekaboo?
And ugh...it didn't save because I wasn't sure how to Dx

02-28-2010, 10:49 AM
When do you plan on finishing Haven and Peekaboo?
And ugh...it didn't save because I wasn't sure how to Dx

No idea, Haven is updated monthly and there will be a sequel....that much I can tell you.

Esc key for the menu and then access the save menu and press enter to save on that file. You can save at anytime.

02-28-2010, 08:33 PM
I'm stuck right now.
Like, I have to get the axe and I remember talking to Liam to get it, but now he just nods and gets back to work.
I can't find the ring. I found one in the Pub but William won't accept it.
I can't find the blue gem, but I bet that's much later anyway.
In my inventory it says I have the Old Castle key, but I can't find the Old Castle, and I shouldn't have the key because I haven't turned in the ring.

02-28-2010, 08:53 PM
I'm stuck right now.
Like, I have to get the axe and I remember talking to Liam to get it, but now he just nods and gets back to work.
I can't find the ring. I found one in the Pub but William won't accept it.
I can't find the blue gem, but I bet that's much later anyway.
In my inventory it says I have the Old Castle key, but I can't find the Old Castle, and I shouldn't have the key because I haven't turned in the ring.

You should have the axe then....Liam has been a problem to event right....

The ring needs to be full of fiery passion, there's two fires in Haven, Greg wasn't passionate about his fire, Liam is.

The blue gem is gotten only by getting a few certain endings in Greg's Golden Grief, the graveyard quest.

Any idea what you did to get the key?

The Old Castle is in the Old Library.