View Full Version : The Blind Side

12-11-2009, 09:29 PM
I just saw the Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw
I had to say it was really excellent
it was a really sweet movie and I really liked it
I was just wondering if anyone else saw it and thought the same way

12-11-2009, 10:07 PM
I can't watch football movies with big backstories and "HE WAS BAD/POOR/RETARDED/SHORT AND NOW HE'S AWESOME." anymore.

I just can't.

12-11-2009, 10:18 PM
I will never watch this movie. I'm not a movie lover anyway but all in all I have several gripes about this movie:

1. It's not art

2. It's about Football, a sport where the objective is to catch a ball and move the ball and touch each other roughly

3. It's yet another "Feel bad about this guy because he's special" movie, which is crap

4. Obvious cash in

12-11-2009, 11:27 PM
Haven't seen it, might see it later but definitely not in theaters. Although it looks OK, it didn't appeal to me as much as "Inglorious Basterds" or "The Hangover" did.

I've been hearing good stuff about it though, but not enough to convince me to go watch it in theaters.

12-12-2009, 12:46 AM
I can't watch football movies with big backstories and "HE WAS BAD/POOR/RETARDED/SHORT AND NOW HE'S AWESOME." anymore.

I kinda agree .. otherwise I'd just watch Forest Gump or a documentary about Tony Blair (obviously with the story in reverse). Sorry to say it doesn't sound like the kind've film I'd enjoy tbh.

12-12-2009, 05:35 AM
Haven't seen it but I keep hearing good things.
I might check it out when it comes to blu-ray

01-06-2010, 10:51 AM
I can't watch football movies with big backstories and "HE WAS BAD/POOR/RETARDED/SHORT AND NOW HE'S AWESOME." anymore.

I just can't.

But, he wasn't bad or short. That's only two of your qualities left.

It's actually a REALLY good movie, it's based on a real player, Michael Oher. Not sure how much of if it really true, either way still a great movie even if you don't like football. It's really touching, I highly recommend it to everyone.

Thinking about it makes me want to see it again.

01-06-2010, 06:18 PM
I will see it when I get the chance. I don't see how anyone hate on the basis of the movie. Going from being homeless such a short time ago to being saved by a women and then ending up in the NFL, I just really hope Michael Oher doesn't forget lucky he was and helps many people who are still in bad situations

01-06-2010, 07:47 PM
I saw it, it was a very good movie. The coolest thing about it is that you can actually see him play cause this is his rookie year for the Ravens and he's starting on o-line. It's definitely worth seeing, even if you don't think it'll be any good.

01-06-2010, 08:14 PM
I saw it a little over a week ago, not a huge football fan but it's amazinggg.
It wanted to cry.. out of joy, of course!
I definitely recommend it(: