View Full Version : do you often do these things

01-17-2010, 07:16 PM
buy games you dont like
buy games you beat quickly
buy games that offend you
buy games

01-17-2010, 07:35 PM
lol you sure do like to create threads don't you?

buy games i don't like = All the time.

Buy games you beat quickly = I beat all games quickly

Buy games that offen me = No, not really

Buy games = Not recently

01-17-2010, 07:42 PM
I smell something odd here ..

01-17-2010, 07:54 PM
too much spam @.@ post more substance, less random

to stay on topic:
buy games you don't like: No, I try them from a friend first or have done tons of prior research. I'm super stingy when it comes down to actually putting out money for a game.
buy games you beat quickly: Not usually. If it doesn't have much gameplay in store for it I probably wont buy it. If you read above, I know how much gameplay I'm going to get out of it before I even think about buying it.
buy games that offend you: What?
buy games: Very rarely, tbh. I've recently been working on breaking the classic nasty habit of torrenting... help me stay strong o.o

01-17-2010, 09:21 PM
I'm with diligence on this one, quite random.

buy games you don't like: No I never do that. . . it would result in a waste of money
buy games you beat quickly: No way, I take my time with them, unless if there were no unlockables then... maybe?
buy games that offend you: uh.. no?

01-18-2010, 06:50 AM
Some of them used to happen to me, but as I grew up I started to learn and read more reviews before buying a game, and all the games I recently bought... I love them :D

01-22-2010, 11:18 AM
I smell something odd here ..

what do you mean

01-22-2010, 01:35 PM
They mean they think you're just posting threads for the sake of posting threads.

Buy games you don't like? Once a year or more.

Buy games you beat quickly? Never. I am slow with games. Actually. Scracth that, DS games I beat fast.

Buy games that offend you? NEVER NOTHING OFFENDS ME.

Buy games? A few, few few few, times a year.

01-24-2010, 06:52 PM
too much spam @.@ post more substance, less random

to stay on topic:
buy games you don't like: No, I try them from a friend first or have done tons of prior research. I'm super stingy when it comes down to actually putting out money for a game.
buy games you beat quickly: Not usually. If it doesn't have much gameplay in store for it I probably wont buy it. If you read above, I know how much gameplay I'm going to get out of it before I even think about buying it.
buy games that offend you: What?
buy games: Very rarely, tbh. I've recently been working on breaking the classic nasty habit of torrenting... help me stay strong o.o
Thats a good system you have

01-24-2010, 06:54 PM
They mean they think you're just posting threads for the sake of posting threads.

Buy games you don't like? Once a year or more.

Buy games you beat quickly? Never. I am slow with games. Actually. Scracth that, DS games I beat fast.

Buy games that offend you? NEVER NOTHING OFFENDS ME.

Buy games? A few, few few few, times a year.

Not all threads Can Be great you just keep trying while putting them in the right forum its ok you did still reply i get ideas for threads from the replys in threads but i see your thoughts its realistic

01-24-2010, 07:09 PM
buy games you dont like: I don't buy very many games, but the ones I do buy I usually do enough research to make sure that there is a high chance that I will like the game. And as it turns out I haven't really bought a game recent;y that I don't like.

buy games you beat quickly:I usually beat game quickly, or in the case of fallout 3, play the game for a ridiculous amount of hours in a short period of time...

buy games that offend you: Not in a long time...

buy games: Very rarely do I buy games, the last to times that I bought games were during Christmas break 2009 and Christmas break 2008.

01-24-2010, 07:12 PM
I dont really do researchbut i see G4 stuff and comercials and stuff if it looks nice i get it but sometimes a game is really cheap and i just whant something to play .