View Full Version : Werewolf in cinema timeline

02-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Legacy of the Lycanthrope: A Werewolf Timeline - ShockTillYouDrop.com (http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=13565)

Link for full article, they did this timeline as The Wolfman theater date nears. Speaking of which, I dunno about your opinion on that upcoming film, but Im not too hyped. Doesn't look like it'll do anything for me. It's a pretty interesting read for anyone bored. I wonder if they got the first one available for rental on Netflix

02-02-2010, 02:38 PM
Interesting... I don't think I'll care much for the new film but it comes out the day after my friend's birthday so we're going to see it.

02-02-2010, 03:17 PM
yeah I agree with kitty
I am not a big fan of werewolves