View Full Version : Peter Venkman to be a ghost in Ghostbusters 3

02-08-2010, 12:13 AM
In an article in the Sunday Mail, Bill Murray has confirmed that he will be appearing in Ghostbusters 3. He also revealed some spoiler-ish details of what he will be doing in the third installment of the sci-fi comedy franchise. You can read those details, after the jump. You have been warned. It has been long rumored that Bill Murray's character Dr. Peter Venkman would appear in Ghostbusters 3 as a ghost. Yes, that's right -- a ghost. Well Murray has confirmed that the only way he'll appear in the film is if he gets to appear as a dead Ghostbuster. Here is the quote from the Mail: "I'll come back in Ghostbusters III only if I get to be a ghost. I said to them, 'I'll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.' So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film

I think that's a good thing, man he looks old these days

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTA0MjAxMTkzMzZeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDIyMzc3MjE@._ V1._SY140_.jpg