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View Full Version : Forza 3!!!!

03-27-2010, 07:04 AM
Any one wana talk about the GOOD and FUN things about forza 3? Or if they need help with sertain tweeks and tunes ( you know..how to get a car of your liking to run at its best). For example, I have been working on my toyota supra twin torbo 92' for like a week straight and there is nothing better then getting all the tunning right and having it run as smoothly as possible ( its a perfect C class). Hint: adjustable parts are key.

03-27-2010, 10:46 AM
I was watching my son play his Xbox this weekend on this game called Forza II. And they have a Corvette Z06 that you can purchase in the game. As soon as I saw that I had to play or at least try the game out. Amazing The car in the game acts just the same as the real deal Alot of fun

03-27-2010, 11:44 AM
This game is crazy accurat when is comes to the cars it has and the damage it shows. Personally I love to play with all damage on so that I'm more aware of my car while I race. I think it improves gameplay and skill to know that you may just flip your car on that next turn comming up.

03-30-2010, 06:14 AM
the best thing about Forza 3 was about it damaged. :) The damaged is greatly detailed and very very accurate. I played it for the first time and it's almost similar to grand turismo graphic

03-31-2010, 07:53 AM
Yea what it doesn't have in graphics it makes up with the damage.

03-31-2010, 08:59 AM
Honestly... to tell you the truth, I hated the game play. I know graphics and details are all nice and good, but when it comes down to it, a game's game play is what really shows the measure of how good a game actually is. I mean, Would you play a game that was about Hello Kitty painting the world pink while eating sushi and dancing to annoying Japanese techno music with a high pitched woman's voice screeching in the foreground that ran on a constant 10 second loop if the graphics were amazing? I would hope not.

To tell you the truth, I almost drove myself mad trying not to punch my Xbox out of pure frustration of how awful the flow of the game was. I tried my best to play it to the end, and I just couldn't, I would rather have thrown myself down my 2 flights of stairs than finish the remaining half or so of that game. It was almost like they had a deadline to meet and they spent 90% of that time before it working solely on the graphics and minute details of the game and then hustled to complete the actual GAME itself in the remaining 10% just before the deadline. The flow of it, to me at least, feels like it was what the originals of racing games from the first Xbox.

Maybe I should elaborate on what exactly is so awful about the game play:

1. The entire system of the AI is probably the worst and most cheating I've ever seen. When you race, no matter on what difficulty, all but one of the cars are absolutely the lowest difficulty they could be on the game. Which, ironically, is worse than if they were on a harder difficulty, because they seem to always find a way to crash into you for no apparent reason (especially on straight-aways). But further on that, the one that isn't an awful driver happens to be just above the difficulty that you have the capability to drive. So not only are you fighting with what seems to be chimps behind the wheels of those cars, but one car with The Stig in it (the professional test driver for the TV car show Top Gear).

2. Now, not only does the AI cheat, but the game lets you cheat as well. This once wonderful example of a racing game is now pandering to the self-proclaimed gamer girls and guys that can't play a racing game on more than the beginners level to save their lives. I am, of course, speaking of the rewind feature. You could sit there for 6 hours doing and rewinding an entire race to get ever turn perfectly and not get a nip of damage. All the skill is now irrelevant, because you can rewind just enough to before that damned car blocks you with the knowledge of exactly where he's going to go and correct your actions to avoid him and never have to have a reflex or instinct in the world. The AI will do the maneuver thing every time without fail, no matter how times you rewind the race, so you can always have the upper hand. You no longer have to anticipate the actions of the other drivers at all. Who in their right mind at Turn 10 thought it was a good idea to do this? Now the game is just a joke and a shadow of Forzas 1 and 2. An absolute joke.

3. In this "wonderful" game there are lovely and sporty cars like Buicks, oh the glory of it's sheer power! The only person that would buy one of those to race is someone that did it as a joke. Instead of spending time on programming real cars in, like the Panoz, they put in Pontiacs and Buicks. I just.... I don't know what to say about the sheer stupidity of that.

4. The auction feature is so messed up, I don't even care about the awesome cars I could buy on it anymore. Forza 2 had a great system, and I spent a lot of my time on that game trying to make enough money to get all of the astounding custom cars on it. Now, I just don't even care anymore.

5. The entire sequence of loading, splash, and menu screens are such a blinding white I had to dim my TV to near the bottom of the brightness control to be able to stand playing it without having my eyes start bleeding.

All in all, I really do think that Turn 10 has seen much better days. Forza 2 was still fun for me after years of playing in, and hours upon hours of racing and restarting the game. But Forza 3.... Oh my, I can't even take it.

03-31-2010, 09:48 AM
fair comments morti .. but dayum .. that coulda been a game review :O

03-31-2010, 10:33 PM
I'm glad to read your opinions on this game, honestly I didn't think I was goin to get resposes.. but as for that very very VERY long reply on how much the game didn't Sit well with you....I made this thred to talk about the good things and what's fun about it....I mean ok a lot of ppl don't like this game. Fine. As for the ppl that do this is a thred for them, and if I get no hits then ok, but as long as I have the little bit of attention I have now id rather discuss the good things and give advice on the game to ppl who need it. Such as.........tuning. cars. Parts. Tracks. Online events. Teams. Just all around productive conversation.