View Full Version : A Haunting in Georgia

04-15-2010, 11:41 PM
It's come to our attention that the 2009 wannabe-thriller cliche The Haunting in Connecticut is getting a follow up called A Haunting in Georgia. Editor on Connecticut Tom Elkins is stepping into the directors chair for the first time, bumped along by producer Paul Brooks, according to THR.

Hiring a first time director is probably a good idea considering the ultra low budget they will most likely garner with this pitch. The Haunting in Connecticut was bad. Not real bad, but it was bad and cheap and just plain boring. Georgia promises to be more of the same following a family in Georgia whose property is inhabited by ghosts, which begs the question, as did Connecticut, "Why didn't the family just leave the house?" You can't watch CT and not be annoyed at them for not just going somewhere else.

Like its predecessor, Georgia is based on a supposed true story, but just how true has yet to be determined. A bit of research shows that the real life mom in the CT haunting was the real problem and the son's visions ended when he started taking his medication. None of this gobbledygook about walls lined with bodies and ectoplasm shooting out of people or anything like that.

Of course stories are twisted to fit cinema, that's expected. What we shouldn't be forced to expect is a cheaper follow up to a cheap, unimaginative horror movie who's only scares came from super obvious cheap shots and laughable effects. I pray to thee film gods to end our suffering now and prevent this from getting made.

I don't care what this guys says, I like a haunting in conn. Although this movie is surely going to be worse, first time director+ ultra low budget. I wonder how ultra low it is though.