View Full Version : Colin Farrell to be in Fright Night remake

05-10-2010, 10:34 PM
Craig Gillespie has his vampire. According to THR, Colin Farrell will play Anton Yelchin’s bloodsucking neighbor in the remake of Fright Night. Joining the boys is Toni Collette who’ll play the role of Yelchin’s mother.

DreamWorks is going for a straight remake of the 1985 Tom Holland original. It focuses on Charlie Brewster (Yelchin), a horror buff who get’s a spooky vibe from his new neighbor. In fact, he’s convinced Jerry (Farrell) is a vampire. Charlie reveals his discovery to his mother, but, of course, she doesn’t believe him.

Fright Night is officially three for three. Horror remakes are typically packed with up and coming no-names, but Fright Night is attracting some notable talent. Yelchin is sure to be a natural in the lead role and now he’s got two fantastic actors alongside him, one who can totally rock a set of fangs and another with a range wide enough to tackle multiple roles in one show.

Next up has to be Charlie’s best friend, Evil Ed, and his girlfriend, Amy. I kind of get a Josh Hutcherson vibe for Ed and perhaps Kat Dennings for Amy. Now that’d be a nice little Charlie Bartlett reunion.

blarg another remake, so how was the original?