View Full Version : Favorite/Best Game Moment

Project Blaze
05-26-2010, 03:34 PM
So, what part in what game is your favorite? Or best, in your opinion. I've played so many gamez it's kinda hard to pick one, but out of memory (or what I'm able to remember) I'd have to say one of my favorite scenes is in Bayonetta. I couldn't help but laugh when she landed on Enzo's car and wrecked it, the look on Enzo's face was hilarious! And what he said was too. lol

So then! What's your favorite (or best!) game moment/scene? It can just be a part of the scene or the whole scene itself. Wondering if you guys like the funny or serious parts more. ^_^

05-26-2010, 03:48 PM
Hmm .. I can think of a few, but here's just a couple ..

- Killing Ragnoros in wow for the first time (and teh noise from players all over europe squealing like little girls hehe)
- The final battle in Dragon Age - after all those hours it felt like a fitting end to an epic game
- Winning a realism call of duty league in an old clan where I was squad leader .. and the following virtual beer-fest afterwards

And finally .. this moment that was captured on a recording during an actual clan match .. oh how we laughed (and yes, that's the WHOLE of the enemy's team that got caught out during a match I was leading) ..


05-26-2010, 05:07 PM
Lets see...

First time my guild in wow downed Lord Marrogard, and hows i got the fat loots.
uhh second when me and my friends beat odst getting our recon and seeing all the little kids cry :D

im evil.

05-26-2010, 05:24 PM
the encounter with pyramidhead in the hospital of silent hill 2 was pretty legit.

and...pretty much all of Metal Gear Solid.

the ending chase sequence in MGS3

when you're going through the forest in legend of dragoon, and that cat thing appears and you have a flashback, that part i always liked

05-26-2010, 05:25 PM
Anything MGS is legit, accept the end of MGS 1 it look a little... gay

05-26-2010, 05:39 PM
I'm not really much on the cutscene parts, they're funny but....

does 'quick time sequence' scenes work? cause I like those. those are fun. like in Yakuza (ps2) where you do button commands to kill your opponent. Not only in this game, but i'm SURE theres a bunch of other games that has 'qte'. it all started from shenmue, remember that old dreamcast game? haha.

05-27-2010, 08:45 AM
Fallout 3, when you run into the tree guy. Cant remember his name.

05-27-2010, 08:46 AM
Fallout 3, when you run into the tree guy. Cant remember his name.

hmm .. i'm struggling to remember that part .. u got a screenie to jog my memory?

06-06-2010, 12:39 AM
the tree is named bob.
And my fav bits,
fallout 3 blowing up megaton and invading tenpenny tower with ghouls
siren bloodcurse, the hospital with the little girl, hiding in the surgery
Fear 2, just general fear 2 all over
Condemned 2, the locker scene, you know theres a guy in there but its always good when you discover him