View Full Version : Mass Effect 3 suppose to be more lighthearted

06-02-2010, 05:08 PM
BioWare’s Casey Hudson has said that Mass Effect 3 will be a bit more fun and lighthearted than Mass Effect 2.

Speaking with OXM UK, Hudson said that the third installment will bring “fun and lightness” back to the series with Normandy pilot Joker and the on-board AI, EDI.

“Well, we’re not talking too much about Mass Effect 3 right now, but the second story in a trilogy is where you traditionally end up in a fairly dark place,” said Hudson. “The third story is where you try and bring some fun and lightness back into it.

“One thing we tried to do with Mass Effect 2 was as well as bringing in the more mature stuff, we also tried to bring in a lot more humor so that we can go to these places without making it an overbearing experience.

“I think we have a lot more fun this time through characters like Joker and EDI. Mass Effect 3 is going to be the epic conclusion… so, a lot more darkness but also a lot more humor.

”Hudson has also said that Mass Effect 3 will have mining, and DLC will be released in a “constant stream” to bridge the story between Mass Effect 2 and the third installment.

Never played the series but figured I'd pass along the news

06-02-2010, 08:05 PM
I played the first one it was really good, more sensual in the second one, cause you can become a female on PC and xbox and... do stuff.

06-02-2010, 11:42 PM
You could be a female in the first one on both systems.

Playing through ME2 with another character type on Insanity. I might get a vid capture card because insanity can get pretty fast paced and brutal, it need a music video.

06-03-2010, 09:58 AM
very nice game

06-03-2010, 08:33 PM
I haven't played any of the series even though I have the first two

06-03-2010, 08:56 PM
You should try playing over the summer maybe, in between borderlands with me