View Full Version : What's your experience with computers?

08-02-2007, 08:19 AM
So I'm just interested in the average computing experience people have here, is it more to do with software or hardware? What sort of skilled things do you do on your PC or others? I personally build quite a lot of PC's, I think I'm building another one for a friend soon, I wonder if he'll give me money for building it :twitcy:

08-02-2007, 10:01 AM
well i know more software than hardware for now, i know a few computer languages, programming skills, etc. with hardware, well i know how to install stuff and upgrades and how to put the pc back to the way it was if i disessemble the whole thing - i have yet to build my first computer - need to buy good parts somewhere, i was planning on it this summer but with all my trouble and now this move, i have no time

my new room has lots of space so maybe i can set up a server or something lol

08-02-2007, 10:27 AM
I don't know any coding languages :spinny: I tried learning C and C++ before but.. they just seemed so boring to me. I personally think knowing about the hardware side is more important, since at the end of the day, if a piece of software messes up you just reinstall it, if a piece of hardware messes up it *could* be a software fault (well, that's what drivers and restorations are for!) or it could be the hardware's fault which would mean troubleshooting to find which piece of hardware is at fault and then working out alternatives to the faulty piece of hardware or a means to fix it. You plan on running a server *in your room*? seriously? You know most datacenters have to be kept at about 5c to maintain the performance and life expectancy of the server? I plan to make my own small server farm when I move to America except in a room with it's own A/C and free from dust and things that create dust etc. (including cloths etc.) Oh! and with a keypad on the door :D I like keypads. (:eek1: Yes, I am weird.)

08-02-2007, 10:46 AM
html is coding but i'll count it has a computer language lol but i know that, i know bit of C++ (used to know a lot when i was younger), i know more php now than ever, i know a bit of perl, sql, and a few more

and yes a server in my room :) i just need a better internet connection, already have ac and its almost dust free right now, just needs a bit of tidying up lol - i dont plan on going big with my servers, it'll be good if i can host most of my sites at home since i'll have complete control of server, and maybe a cs server for the forum, it'll cost me but could be worth it later :-)

and by 5c u mean 5 degree celcius? my room is like 25 right now lol, ac isnt plugged in and its HOT outside omg, and i have work

08-02-2007, 11:31 AM
Yep, 5 degrees celsius is about the average temperature of a server farm, I doubt you'd like to be in that all night (thermal bedding? :P) I don't really count HTML as a language though I guess technically it is.. I'm thinking of learning LOLCODE which is based on C++ as far as I can remember, here's an example string of LOLCODE



It's the most random language i've ever heard, but it sounds amazing.

08-02-2007, 11:50 AM
rofl wow, well about my room, i like cold temps lol but i dont know, that idea is still under development :D

08-02-2007, 12:41 PM
Got a basement or spare room? that's the best idea really.