View Full Version : Indy 5 mostly centered around Bermuda Triangle?

06-07-2010, 08:23 PM
The Hollywood star is well-known for his portrayal of the archaeologist and adventurer, and has agreed to reprise the role one last time. Indiana Jones 5 will begin shooting next year, and much of the plot line will be centred around the Bermuda Triangle, an area over the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft are said to have disappeared.

“George (Lucas) and Steven (Spielberg) have been working on a script and it's almost there," a source explained. “Harrison is on stand-by for filming next year. This looks like being an emotional and exciting conclusion to the franchise, with Indy facing his biggest challenge yet.”

The last film in the franchise, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was released in 2006. Shia LaBeouf played Indiana’s son Mutt Williams, and he will also appear in the new instalment.

Movie bosses have assured fans the film will stay true to the series’ roots, and won’t contain lots of state-of-the-art special effects.

“Shia LaBeouf has a central role again as Indy's son but this will be a blockbuster made in the old fashioned way rather than the CGI efforts of the last movie,” the source added.

sure it won't this will CGI'd so hard who they trying to kid. But anyway I really enjoy IJ movies so I eagerly await!

06-07-2010, 08:38 PM
Indy is good but they've beaten this series dead.

The last one, the crystal skull?, should have been the last one

06-07-2010, 08:48 PM
Agreed. But they'll probably just end up continuing with Shia as the main dude in 6 and beyond. It's hollywood after all

06-07-2010, 08:50 PM
true, but they should respect that they've done all they can made great movies now its time to put it to bed and create something new

06-08-2010, 01:23 PM
when Crystal Skull came out, somebody said "indy 4" and i thought it was a racing movie.

I saw the title of this and thought "how do you have a racing movie based around the bermuda triangle?

06-08-2010, 01:25 PM
fantasy boat racing game! you have to avoid being sucked up in the powers of the bermuda

06-08-2010, 03:36 PM
I saw the title of this and thought "how do you have a racing movie based around the bermuda triangle?

I thought the same thing.

Also, probably won't see this. Never really got into Indiana Jones movies much

06-08-2010, 05:09 PM
Wish George Lucas and Steven Spielberg would move onto New Movies/Shows.
Been lingering around the Same ones forever now.

06-09-2010, 08:03 PM
I wish they would have stopped at the crystal skull.
but I still might see this anyway because its Indiana Jones