View Full Version : Entourage movie?

06-08-2010, 09:36 PM
Have you ever complained that episodes of Entourage are too short? On the red carpet for Sunday's MTV Movie Awards (during which he contributed to the swear storm), Mark Wahlberg told MTV News that fans have had that time-contraint issue with the series and have long been calling for a feature-length story involving Vinnie, Eric, Turtle and Johnny Drama. And Ari Gold, of course. Maybe a few years ago they were. But apparently such a movie is now finally in the works. Well, Wahlberg, who is a co-creator and executive producer of the show, "thinks we're going to do it."

He did claim, however, that transitioning the Hollywood-set comedy-drama to the big screen is a main priority for him at the moment, and he thinks an Entourage movie could be "great." Wahlberg even offered up an idea for the film's trailer, which would have Ari and his assistant, Lloyd, waking up in a Vegas hotel room with no memory of what got them there. And is there a tiger in the bathroom, Marky Mark? Because that sounds a little bit like The Hangover. Hopefully, he was just joking and not so naive, but I do like the prospect of a spin-off movie primarily starring Jeremy Piven and Rex Lee.

As for whether we really want or need an Entourage movie, I'm not certain. Yet it doesn't surprise me that the idea is still there to bring the series to cinemas. I've always thought of Entourage as Sex and the City with/for guys, and now that that show has spawned two movies it's only fair for this one to follow suit. Maybe the first movie is relatively satisfying but the sequel loses the magic while transplanting the boys to Mumbai while Vinny guest stars in a Bollywood production?

Eh, to be quite honest, I'd prefer that if any movie be made related to Entourage, they actually produce one of the fake movies from the show. The most appropriate at the moment would be an Aquaman adaptation, one in which BP is the enemy (without the superhero being killed by the oil spill, as joked). Another idea, as I commented with last December on an earlier post about the possibility of an Entourage movie, is to have a plot centered around the making of a movie, a la 8 1/2 or Day for Night. But if it's just going to be 90 minutes of the same hanging out mixed with industry b.s., I don't see much use for it.

I've complained since s1 that Entourage would be best suited as an 1 hour show but no not a chance do I want to see a movie on it -_-. I would watch it if it came into fruition

06-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Best news of 2010 in my opinion

06-08-2010, 11:13 PM
You watch Entourage? Awesome! :hifive:

06-09-2010, 03:52 PM
Awesome. I love entourage.
dunno about a movie though.

06-09-2010, 04:14 PM
woah Entourage fans coming out of the wood work. I thought I was the only one on the site to like it