View Full Version : Need gamers to test the video game we made. Get paid $35 for playing and helping us o

Nightlife the Game
06-23-2010, 01:03 PM
Hey there,

We’re a group of social scientists [and I'm a lifelong gamer!] working on a funded research project to see what people think about video games and what people can learn from them. We created a video game and would love to have your help in testing it out! Basically we need people to play the game & fill out on-line surveys giving us their reactions and answering some questions. You must have access to a PC with an internet connection where you can play privately [there is some adult content].

Go to:


06-23-2010, 01:14 PM
You're offering money for this? Looks super sketch. Do you have a Legal/Terms and Agreements page?

Nightlife the Game
06-23-2010, 01:31 PM
I can definitely see how it would look sketchy but it's really not. It's pretty typical to use an incentive program in research that is going to take people's time. It's like when people mail you a survey with a dollar attached to get you to fill it out and send it back. It's for real, I swear. We get no money out of this whatsoever...just research that we then hope to publish.

We don't have a legal terms or agreements page but we do have approval from our University's Institutional Review Board which protects the rights of all research participants.

I'm also going to paste in some frequently asked questions. Maybe that will help?

• What’s the game like/ about? How long does it last?
In Night Life you play in an adventure style game as an up and coming DJ, trying to make it big in the urban music scene.

You also need to pay attention to your love life when the ladies fight over you.

The game lasts about an hour, depending on how well you do! There is adult content but you can choose to play the game with the adult scenes, or turn them off.

• Who are you? What do you want? What do you get out of this? Do you get paid?

We are social scientists who study video games and what people like about them and what people can learn from them. We just want feedback on and reactions to the game. We will use what we find out to write research about how and what people can learn through playing video games. We don’t earn any $$ whatsoever.

• What do I have to do? What will happen? Do I get paid? What is the time commitment?
The basic idea is you:
1. Take a 20 minute on-line survey
2. Get the unlock code for the Night Life at the end of the first survey.
3. Download and play the game for at least an hour.
4. Come back to the on-line survey and do another 20 minutes so we can get your immediate reactions.
5. We’ll mail you $10 for finishing this part.
6. We send you an email in 3 months reminding you to do another 20 minute survey on your longer-term reactions.
7. We’ll mail you $25 dollars for staying in the study & finish the last survey.

(NOTE: Some people will be in a control condition, and will play another game. If that happens to you, you will get the unlock code for the game in 3 months, after doing the final survey.)

• What do I need?

You need to have a computer in a private location with an internet connection.

You can only play the game on one computer.

06-23-2010, 02:21 PM
can you meet hot women in this game?

Nightlife the Game
06-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Yep.....you do get to interact with "hot" women in the game.

06-23-2010, 03:08 PM
Yep.....you do get to interact with "hot" women in the game.

oh I forgot to ask is this online aswell? because this sounds like a naughty game

have you played this game yourself?

also I have some other questions inappropiate questions if you know what I mean :D

how high would you rate this game compared to all the new games that is out and coming soon on a scale from 1 to 10

Nightlife the Game
06-23-2010, 09:48 PM
Yes, the game is online...you get a code to unlock it if you qualify to fill out the survey.

I helped design the game so I've played it exhaustively.

Not sure what you mean by inappropriate questions but it is an adult oriented game with adult themes and adult content...you have to be 18.

As for rating the game, we certainly did not have close to the budget of major games coming out right now but we think it's a fun game and quite unique.

06-23-2010, 09:56 PM
This thread is still up???

Seems like Spam to me. *shrugs*

06-23-2010, 10:19 PM
this game sounds pretty ballin lol

06-24-2010, 01:47 AM
jeez who cares about the money, i wanna get game laid. woot *runs off to play*

06-24-2010, 02:40 AM
jeez who cares about the money, i wanna get game laid. woot *runs off to play*

lmao hahaha

06-24-2010, 08:40 AM
This thread is still up???

Seems like Spam to me. *shrugs*

It isn't being presented by a bot and it's in the Websites and Advertising section and she took the time to make 10 posts that weren't complete rubbish and wait 24+ hours to post this and her presentation of her site was fair enough that I even want to believe her story that it's for research.

However, I'm wary that there's no Privacy Statement... am I supposed to just throw contact/account information at you to get paid to do this? The FAQ you posted here (that I had already read on your site) doesn't really answer this question. The only reason I opted for the word "sketchy" was because the very limited site design made me suspicious enough to look for a Privacy/Terms of Agreement that I couldn't find (because, as you said, it doesn't exist.)

I would advise that nobody give any personal information under these circumstances, and take note that it's even dangerous to download and run an executable that could be doing god knows what. I'd love to help with Nightlife the Game but given the incredible and obvious risk my hands are tied.

EDIT: if someone does do this (which I don't advise at all), let us know how it goes!

Nightlife the Game
06-24-2010, 11:01 AM
Definitely not spam!

Yes...go play!!

Nightlife the Game
06-25-2010, 10:53 AM
It isn't being presented by a bot and it's in the Websites and Advertising section and she took the time to make 10 posts that weren't complete rubbish and wait 24+ hours to post this and her presentation of her site was fair enough that I even want to believe her story that it's for research.

However, I'm wary that there's no Privacy Statement... am I supposed to just throw contact/account information at you to get paid to do this? The FAQ you posted here (that I had already read on your site) doesn't really answer this question. The only reason I opted for the word "sketchy" was because the very limited site design made me suspicious enough to look for a Privacy/Terms of Agreement that I couldn't find (because, as you said, it doesn't exist.)

I would advise that nobody give any personal information under these circumstances, and take note that it's even dangerous to download and run an executable that could be doing god knows what. I'd love to help with Nightlife the Game but given the incredible and obvious risk my hands are tied.

EDIT: if someone does do this (which I don't advise at all), let us know how it goes!


Please let me know how I can reassure everyone? We do not have a privacy statement bc that is not how things are done in the "research universe" so to speak. What I can tell you is that any and all research that goes through our university [University of Connecticut] has to be approved by an Institutional Review Board. Protecting privacy is one of the main concerns. We do not collect ANY identifying information for this study...no names, physical addresses etc. The only reason we even collect email addresses is so that we can send reminder emails out to people to finish up the last part of the study 3 months from now but that data is kept entirely separate from the research data [otherwise the IRB wouldn't let us run the study]. You have rights as a research participant..including the right to drop out of a study at any time and to not answer any questions that you don't want.

I totally understand people being concerned about downloading something off the web. All I can do is assure you that it's not spam, spyware etc and virus free.

I also want to thank you for your interest and for being nice! I'm posting on lots of different gamer forums and some of them have been downright hostile to me. I've enjoyed posting on your other threads [as I truly am a gamer at heart] and think this is a cool community.

Please let me know what else I can tell you/show you?

Oh..and as to quality of graphics/website design...we had a pretty decent sized budget as far as funded academic research projects go but certainly nothing comparable to big budget video games that we are all used to. We had to focus on storyline and gameplay. People that have played the game have been favorable.

Thanks again.

06-25-2010, 11:13 AM
I'm glad Gamers-forum has given you a warm welcome compared to other gaming forums, that's nice to hear :)

I'm curious as to how you would give people money to complete your survey/play your game without collecting any personal information... would you forward money via Paypal? As soon as money was being handled in the equation I felt the need to start asking questions. You mention that money will "be mailed to you," which suggests that you'd need to collect a mailing address... how is that handled? I couldn't find that information on your site.

Too bad you didn't have the time/budget for some nicer web design - it looks like something from the 90's! :twitcy:

Nightlife the Game
06-25-2010, 11:45 AM
Ha ha...believe me...we talked about everything looking like it was from the 90's. I'm the only gamer in our research team so I'm the only person who really "gets" that if you KWIM.

I'm going to copy and paste our official approved "information sheet." People would eventually see this once they logged in and went through the screening process so I don't see any problem, from a research standpoint, in posting it here. I'm also trying to be really careful here so as to not violate any terms of what our IRB has told us is okay to do on these forums. As to your payment question I don't know the answer off the top of my head because I don't handle those details but I will try and see what I can find out.

Information sheet:

Principal Investigator: Leslie Snyder
Study Title: Video Game

You are invited to take part in an on-line study of a video game. The video game may contain graphic depictions of sex. You need to be eighteen or over to participate in the study. The purpose of the study is to see what people think about the game. Depending on what we find, we may distribute the game over the internet and in other ways in the future.

First you will be asked to complete an on-line survey that takes about 20 minutes. You should complete the survey in a private environment when others are not around. Then you will have a chance to download and play a video game. Some people will play a game about sex, and some people will play a comparison game. We need information about both. You will not have a choice about which game you play.

After playing the game, you will be prompted to see if you want to complete the next 20 minute survey immediately or if you plan to play the game again. You will need to complete the survey within 48 hours. We will email you if you need a reminder to finish the second survey. After 3 months we will email you asking you to take a final on-line survey. It will also take about 20 minutes to complete. The questions on the surveys are about sex, relationships, video games, and general information about you. Your answers will be kept confidential, and your personal information will be secure.

You will receive $20 in return for the time you spend completing the first session, which includes an initial survey, playing the game, and another survey afterwards. You will receive $15 for completing the follow-up survey in approximately 3 months.

If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact me, Leslie Snyder, at 860 486-4383. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant you may contact the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 860-486-8802.

06-25-2010, 02:28 PM
YAYYY UCONN im from ct and live not to far away from storrs.

BTW i signed up so lets see if i get selected

Nightlife the Game
06-28-2010, 03:41 PM
Thanks Subb! If you do play the game please come back and reassure everyone that I'm not some sort of spam or porn bot!

06-28-2010, 04:05 PM
Thanks Subb! If you do play the game please come back and reassure everyone that I'm not some sort of spam or porn bot!

I shall i shall, i think dili signed up too. I MUST SUPPORT UNCONN

07-03-2010, 08:22 AM
I shall i shall, i think dili signed up too. I MUST SUPPORT UNCONN

I did sign up - my heart was finally won over after all my skepticism. Still haven't been picked though, we'll see.

And we'll see how I feel about going forward if they ask for any more personal information... XD

07-03-2010, 11:31 AM
yeah i didnt get picked either. So dont feel bad