View Full Version : Do Video Games Increase Aggressive Behavior?

06-25-2010, 09:07 PM
Go here to read...

Do Video Games Increase Aggressive Behavior? (http://www.bitmob.com/articles/do-video-games-increase-aggressive-behavior)

Long read but I just want to know what you guys think...

In my opinion tho... I dont think game increase aggressive behavior at all.. I never once got aggressive toward anyone after I played a M rated game.

If anything I think it decreases aggressive behavior. If I'm ever upset/mad I just get on COD/RDR/MW2/Socom/GTA4 and take out my aggression on the game.. I kill some people and I feel better.. If I had a bad day at work I just do the same thing..

Finally I just think its up to the parents to decide what their kids can and cant play.. If the kid shows aggressive behavior after playing a M rated game. Then the parent should take control and talk to the kid. If the kid still show aggressive behavior; then just dont let him play that game and then take the kid to a psychiatrist because their something wrong with that little focker..

So what do you guys think?

06-25-2010, 09:23 PM
Did they account for the adrenaline that may be produced by shooting games? I never really pay attention to these studies to see if they do. I know I've been playing games since I was 7 and still haven't gone mass murdering.

06-25-2010, 09:34 PM
There is a correlation, definitely. Aggressive people play aggressive games. But aggressive games do not make people more aggressive. I think music has a bigger effect on people than games.

But games can desensitize people to violence. Doesn't make them more violent though. Only somebody who's messed up in the head would play grand theft auto then go shoot people

06-26-2010, 11:00 AM
I would think so... I blame my friend for getting one of those... nerf guns & just shoot them at me all the time, he thinks its like 'call of duty'. one of these days.. I'll either get him with a air soft gun or a .... paintball gun.

06-26-2010, 11:16 AM
I feel that video games help calm me down. I'll admit I get angry during certain games but a few minutes after the game is over, the anger is all gone.

06-26-2010, 11:22 AM
If anything i dont think it makes ppl more agressive, but it sure does bring it out in some cases with ppl i know. However i RDR kinda cools me down but i get my moments at the lil dingle berries that like to spawn camp u while u are afk a bit so i fix that with some **** talkin and a throwing knife to there face, and then i spawn camp them till the leave the game.

DirtyD what lvl are u on rdr im a level 50 rank 2 legend. I dont wanna prestige again and start from level one with no good weapons. lol

06-26-2010, 12:09 PM
I think that a person who kills people and then claims the video game did it is bull.
Just because I kill people in a video game does not make me a murderer in real life
In fact video games to me relieves stress like what everybody else has said.
If something in my life has been bothering me I just go and play xbox and forget about it.

06-26-2010, 12:17 PM
its cheaper than goin to a shrink right iceskater, u can just talk to me about it while u pwn ppl for free.

06-26-2010, 12:18 PM
lol yeah I save money that way :P

06-26-2010, 12:22 PM
im not the best free shrink but i try, and im always here.

06-26-2010, 12:23 PM
haha actually that should be switched around
I would make a great shrink.
I am a good listener

06-26-2010, 12:25 PM
HEY i always listen to u, and let u rant to me. Im a good listener also *pouts*

06-26-2010, 12:32 PM
yeah you are
but not as good as me :)

06-26-2010, 12:39 PM
yeah ur a girl, girls tend to listen better. Ill let u win this one

06-26-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm glad the study in the article got as far as to show there is a link between aggressive behavior and gaming but not between violent behavior and gaming.

Gaming induces alternate states of mind by immersing the player into a procured alternate reality - just like alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, falling in love, or sexual desire, it has the potential to be used in excess a tool for the querent to act like a maniac under the delusion of their feelings. With a clear, preceptive, open, and forward looking mind any of the above practices can be carefully exercised to yield their benefits without their detriments.

Simple concept, long fancy words, all the money I'm throwing at this college degree shows for something, there's my two cents, I'm out!

tl;dr - gaming in moderation isn't a problem, gaming in excess can be.

06-26-2010, 06:00 PM
If anything i dont think it makes ppl more agressive, but it sure does bring it out in some cases with ppl i know. However i RDR kinda cools me down but i get my moments at the lil dingle berries that like to spawn camp u while u are afk a bit so i fix that with some **** talkin and a throwing knife to there face, and then i spawn camp them till the leave the game.

DirtyD what lvl are u on rdr im a level 50 rank 2 legend. I dont wanna prestige again and start from level one with no good weapons. lol

Im on level 36 1 legend... it so hard to get exp now.. Been playing the crap out of Co Op tho.. On one co op missing I got 108kills.. It was me and just one other guy...

06-26-2010, 06:03 PM
ahh so u know the length it takes to prestige. Thats why i dont want to prestige again i like my buffalo riffle