View Full Version : Final Fantasy

07-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Its been a few years since I've last played a FF game I believe it was in 06 was the last time i played, dont quote me on the year cause i dont remember very well.

My question is, is there a common theme to these games that links em all together? All the summonings are the same, just different story and people involved, can someone help me with this confusion o.O

07-10-2010, 11:56 PM
Depends Some of the Final fantasy's are on the Same World just at different Times.
They all have Certain monsters and for the most Part the Same Summons and Spells(they might have a few Different Spells) The Battle systems are always different and the Level System is almost always different.

Other then that The Stories Never Link except for Final Fantasy X and X-2
and the Couple Spin off's of Final Fantasy 7. I think Final fantasy 12 had a DS Tactic Spin off that was a Sequel. but they're always Final fantasy 12:bla bla bla.

The numbers are Always Different Story and Heroes.

07-10-2010, 11:58 PM
The way i grew up, if you make game a and you make a sequel of game b its the same thing but moving the story line further ahead and everything.

This series just gives you one storyline per game and its always changing. That makes no sense >.<

07-11-2010, 12:18 AM
It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

Grand theft auto
Dragon Quest
Star Ocean
Resident Evil

It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

07-11-2010, 05:00 AM
Ya well this Final Fantasy just SUCKED, omfg it is just horrible.

I mean this is a 3 disk game I didnt even make it half way thru the first.

OMFG its so annoying to be stuck with a little kid and a guy packing heat and they suck at damaging enemies, i wasted 20 minutes trying to kill one mob with them.

OMFG i need a beer.

I love the new active combat thingy but my god the damage done just sucks. The main character is the only one who can do any real damage, and the little boy who was with me on fighting for ODIN, OMFG he died every two seconds. My god he was worthless.

How do they expect me to play a game where i have to waste 20 minutes on killing mobs and a phoenix down every 5 seconds. BAH

07-12-2010, 10:47 AM
....Which one were you playing?

And I enjoy that they have different story lines and characters and stuff... At least they're not trying to milk the same characters every single game.

I mean, you basically know what you're getting yourself into when you play a FF game, so that is sort of a connecting thread - they certainly all have similarities and whatnot.

But how boring would it be if they kept the same characters for like 13 games....

07-12-2010, 11:14 AM
muffin he is playing FF 13

07-12-2010, 11:15 AM
muffin he is playing FF 13

Um I don't think that is what he is talking about since he said it was a 3-disc game, which FF13 isn't? Unless I missed something. O_o

07-12-2010, 11:17 AM
i dunno hes been telling me for days he hate ff 13 so yeah i dunno

07-12-2010, 11:20 AM
Well, if it IS FF13, I don't know why you're having so much trouble... o.o I found the game pretty easy except for certain boss battles; but then you just have to find the right combination of classes to beat them super fast....

Maybe try playing around with your setup? That might help.

07-12-2010, 12:15 PM
It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

Grand theft auto
Dragon Quest
Star Ocean
Resident Evil

It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

resident evil games are all connected through plot and characters. Resident Evil 0 shows the origins of the virus, resident evil is the original one, resident evil 2 is just a sequel with new characters, resident evil 3 takes place right before/at the same time as resident evil 2 in the same city as resident evil 2, and the main character is the girl from resident evil 1. resident evil 4 has the male lead from resident evil 2 as the main character, resident evil 5 has the male lead from resident evil 1. i know the 2 latest ones have connected stories, but idk what they're about. there are a few spin-offs though, with outbreak, dead aim, and the dino crisis series (it's resident evil with dinosaurs. controls the same, plays pretty much the same)

star ocean games are all set in the same universe, just many years inbetween them. They reference each other though.

but final fantasy games are all completely unrelated. i like it that way though

07-12-2010, 07:26 PM
Um I don't think that is what he is talking about since he said it was a 3-disc game, which FF13 isn't? Unless I missed something. O_o

According to Blockbuster its 3 disc. unless they are forgot one.

I would like some connective material between all the FF. I enjoy video games and storylines and FF 13 has a good storyline but the game play sucks.

07-12-2010, 07:30 PM
the xbox 360 version of FF13 has 3 discs, the PS3 version has 1 disc.

Joker, have you played Final Fantasy 7? if not, I highly recommend it.

07-12-2010, 07:39 PM
Final Fantasy 7 Oh back in the day, back in the day.

One of my all time favorites. Its been a long time.

Very good recommendation, +rep

07-12-2010, 07:40 PM
i should break out the old playstation and play it

07-12-2010, 07:42 PM
If that game had online capabilities I would play it nonstop, FF7 that is

07-13-2010, 08:45 AM
the xbox 360 version of FF13 has 3 discs, the PS3 version has 1 disc.

Oh I see O_o


Anyway, I dunno. I'm not going to go into a big FF7 rant here, but I really hate the way they pimp out the game (I find it astoundingly overrated) with extra games, movies, remakes, whatever, etc.

But I guess it is really just a matter of whether you want, like Joker, this sort of extension of the game. I personally really love that they come up with different characters and story lines, and, usually, battle systems. It keeps it fresh, but familiar enough that you know you're playing a Final Fantasy.

But I really am just sick of FF7 and all the hype it gets. Not saying it is a terrible game, but definitely not deserving of how much praise it gets... but I REALLY don't want to turn this into a debate about that - it just happens to fit this topic because they are trying to milk its popularity so much nowadays.

07-13-2010, 09:20 AM
Oh I see O_o


limitations of the dvd... br ftw :)

07-13-2010, 09:56 AM
Xbox 360 Version of FF13 is 3 discs I believe.

Also it is by far the easiest RPG I've played.
you're probably just not used to RPG's?

and may I add FF13 was a very bad one to start with..well in the eyes of a FF Veteran 13 was a Horrible RPG, Good Game, but Horrible RPG. may be Different for a Newcomer.

07-13-2010, 11:57 AM
Oh I see O_o


Anyway, I dunno. I'm not going to go into a big FF7 rant here, but I really hate the way they pimp out the game (I find it astoundingly overrated) with extra games, movies, remakes, whatever, etc.

But I guess it is really just a matter of whether you want, like Joker, this sort of extension of the game. I personally really love that they come up with different characters and story lines, and, usually, battle systems. It keeps it fresh, but familiar enough that you know you're playing a Final Fantasy.

But I really am just sick of FF7 and all the hype it gets. Not saying it is a terrible game, but definitely not deserving of how much praise it gets... but I REALLY don't want to turn this into a debate about that - it just happens to fit this topic because they are trying to milk its popularity so much nowadays.

I'm not a big fanboy of it, i just thought it was a great game, but I don't think it's overrated at all. And all the spinoffs and stuff of FF7 are there to make money. People like FF7, people will buy FF7 related games

07-15-2010, 04:41 PM
It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

Grand theft auto
Dragon Quest
Star Ocean
Resident Evil

It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

Resident Evil's Core Games Are linked . The story Is in pieces but it does fit together . The survivor and Breakout series was just a branch but a lot of games with Second games have done this . Such as Halo Wars I am pretty Sure that the game is not directly Linked to the old series . I just wanted to point out that Resident Evil doe shave a story . Even the Umbrella Chronicles do connect .

07-15-2010, 06:01 PM
It is believed by some hardcore halo fans that Halo wars tells the story of the MC as a soldier and his fight with the convies before he became a spartan.

Im pretty sure Halo wars fits in somewhere after or before reach, not sure of the timeline

07-15-2010, 06:05 PM
It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

Grand theft auto
Dragon Quest
Star Ocean
Resident Evil

It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

Correction there. Every last on of the Resident Evil series follows the same time line. Just that some of the titles occur at the same times as others. For example: Resident Evil: Outbreak is at the same time as Resident Evil 2.

It is believed by some hardcore halo fans that Halo wars tells the story of the MC as a soldier and his fight with the convies before he became a spartan.

Im pretty sure Halo wars fits in somewhere after or before reach, not sure of the timeline
Halo Wars is after Reach but before the original Halo: Combat Evolved. Events in the Halo Time-line reference the incident on Reach as the start, or very very beginning, of the war with the covenant. In Halo Wars: it is already several years into the war. Also On Reach is where the spartan project began. In Halo Wars they are already Spartan IIs in Mark IV armor.

Now back on topic....

The main reason what they are all the same title is that most of the producers are the same people and they have many ideas branched between them. They all have a couple of melodies located in each one, including the theme for the series, prelude, and the Chocobo theme. They also all have similar summons and magic. Almost every one has at least some form of Blue Magic. They also all have at least one character with the following names: Cid, Jessie, Wedge, Biggs. And the majority of the time they are all similar characters. Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge are almost always a group of fighters, usually rebels. and Cid always is related to airships, one way or another.

Also if you listen to the Official vocalization of the overall series' theme, titled Pray, it makes more sense as to why the games aren't directly related. In the song it calls forth that a group of heroes to come from the heavens and save the world from a terrible disaster. If you read between the lines, the song implies that the series is designed to represent alternate realities/worlds.