View Full Version : Final Fantasy Noob.

Popsicle Season
09-25-2010, 12:04 AM
My sister recently let me borrow Final Fantasy IV for the DS.
I found it very addicting, though a bit annoying at times (I still haven't bothered beating it because I'm too impatient).
So yeah, I don't know much about the series, and I was wondering what other Final Fantasys anyone could recommend? And would I need to play the others before playing newer ones?

09-25-2010, 12:08 AM
They are very good games . And I would not think it would matter if you play the old ones . They do not connect or anything like that but the DS ones are very addicting indeed , . I would like to apologize , you see it is night for more most of these guys . So I am pretty much the only one on for now . What is your time zone ?

Popsicle Season
09-25-2010, 12:26 AM
Hawaii, the time is 7:26 PM. And thanks for the heads up.

09-25-2010, 12:40 AM
Yep what he said the story is not connected on most of the Final fantasy games.

Final fantasy VI, VII, VIII and X are probably the best of the series.

I'm not sure how far they went up on the DS though.

Popsicle Season
09-25-2010, 01:31 AM
I can play almost any except on the PS3 and xBox 360. Dunno if they make for those, though. I think they do...

09-25-2010, 05:25 AM
Yep what he said the story is not connected on most of the Final fantasy games.

Final fantasy VI, VII, VIII and X are probably the best of the series.

I'm not sure how far they went up on the DS though.

FFX is my favorite, but I've gotten addicted to XIII lately. And XIV comes out soon. XD

09-25-2010, 07:36 AM
Were skipping final fantasy 11 because its online and you can make your own character so it doesnt count. Srry fantasy 11 fans.

09-25-2010, 09:15 AM
My personal favorites are FFIX (9), FFV (5), FFVI (6), FFXIII (8 ), and FFX (10) :P

All of those can be played on PS2; all of them but 10 on the PS1.

Everyone is going to give you different ones that they love as their favorites (well... most people are probably going to say 7), but you just kind of have to try out the ones that interest you the most and play them. They all have pros and cons, and offer interesting enough differences that playing them all is certainly a fun goal :3

09-25-2010, 11:48 AM
My sister recently let me borrow Final Fantasy IV for the DS.
I found it very addicting, though a bit annoying at times (I still haven't bothered beating it because I'm too impatient).
So yeah, I don't know much about the series, and I was wondering what other Final Fantasys anyone could recommend? And would I need to play the others before playing newer ones?

You can play them in any order you want, the plots aren't connected.

FF4 for the DS is meant to be really hard, so if you're impatient it's probably not the game for you

Final Fantasy 7 - 10 are the most popular ones, so i'd go with one of them. See if you know somebody with final fantasy 7, cuz its expensive used

Popsicle Season
09-25-2010, 12:42 PM
You can play them in any order you want, the plots aren't connected.

FF4 for the DS is meant to be really hard, so if you're impatient it's probably not the game for you

Final Fantasy 7 - 10 are the most popular ones, so i'd go with one of them. See if you know somebody with final fantasy 7, cuz its expensive used
Well, I think I'm almost done with it.
Do the other FFs use the waiting period for attacking too, or are they just normal RPG game?

09-25-2010, 05:32 PM
Well, I think I'm almost done with it.
Do the other FFs use the waiting period for attacking too, or are they just normal RPG game?

Actually the waiting period was the first type of RPG . The attack as you play was a newer battle system . However for the most part Final Fantasy games do use the wait system . Some of the branch off's like Crystal chronicle do not . But for the most part they all do .

09-25-2010, 11:39 PM
There are 13 core games to the final fantasy series. And around 48 including spin offs not all limited to the RPG genre at least in the USA. There are maybe 60-70 some odd games featuring characters from various games not using the final fantasy title. Im to lazy to count them all again but even more if we count remakes and games that are different from their original Japanese release.

I have played quite a few and honestly I really enjoyed FFV and FFtactics (ps1) the most.

FFV has been remade for the PS1, and FFT has been remade for the PSP and also has nearly unrelated gameboy advance spinoffs.

I heavily recommend the original FFT but the PSP remake isnt to bad. The PS1 version has no real cut scenes like the remake and many translation errors but doesn't slow down during animations and some of the wording seems better. While on the other hand the PSP version has co-op and vs missions.

If you find you are starting to enjoy RPGs dont limit yourself to just final fantasy. There are a lot of good rpgs.

Popsicle Season
09-27-2010, 03:21 AM
Any you could recommend?

09-30-2010, 12:47 AM
After FF9, all the following FF games went downhill.. really fast. Almost as if they were sledding into a wall. "Oh hey.. this game isn't so bad..." *hour later* "It's OK I guess.." *five minutes later* "So, I don't get it. My guys are completely automated and playing the game for me. What's the point?"

10-01-2010, 12:35 AM
After FF9, all the following FF games went downhill.. really fast. Almost as if they were sledding into a wall. "Oh hey.. this game isn't so bad..." *hour later* "It's OK I guess.." *five minutes later* "So, I don't get it. My guys are completely automated and playing the game for me. What's the point?"

I liked X and XIII.

10-01-2010, 12:58 AM
I just like the multiple job class focused games that allow you to play however you like. If it doesn't feature that its hard for a FF game to keep my attention. FFX was hard because Im a perfectionist and I suck at blitzball so my games always get hung up around those save points.

10-01-2010, 01:28 AM
I liked X and XIII.

Well, it was kind of narrow-minded of me to say that. When I say they went "down-hill" a lot of them aren't nearly as good as FF9 and games before it.

For example, I have yet to see any game Square Enix has made come near the quality that Final Fantasy Tactics was.

FFTA, was quite a big fail. It wasn't bad but it was missing a lot of the fun elements that appealed to me in FFT for the PS1.

Popsicle Season
10-01-2010, 02:03 AM
I just like the multiple job class focused games that allow you to play however you like. If it doesn't feature that its hard for a FF game to keep my attention. FFX was hard because Im a perfectionist and I suck at blitzball so my games always get hung up around those save points.
I'm interested in multiple class games. Which Final Fantasy's used that? I know number III does cause my brother borrowed it and when I looked at the save games, each character was a different class so I went ahead and guessed you could choose your class. But I played it without saving once and it was incredibly boring.

10-01-2010, 02:11 AM
I'm interested in multiple class games. Which Final Fantasy's used that? I know number III does cause my brother borrowed it and when I looked at the save games, each character was a different class so I went ahead and guessed you could choose your class. But I played it without saving once and it was incredibly boring.

XIII used it.

10-02-2010, 04:58 PM
Final Fantasy 7 is arguably the greatest RPG ever.... but it is not a game for people who dont like to read..... the best part of the game is the story so if you dont bother reading the story you may not like it.... even though it was way ahead of its time graphically... and was a pioneer for the real time-turn based battle system.... which in my opinion still works well today.... check it out... you can get it on playstation network on your ps3 now.....

10-03-2010, 02:51 PM
Yeah Final Fantasy 7 is indeed the best story of all of them, they even make an anime movie from it called Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.

I'm currently playing the latest Final Fantasy XIV: Online and the Final Fantasy 13 sucks well at least for me it wasn't that impressed.

I hear Final Fantasy X should be good too, but I only have tried Final Fantasy 12 & FF7 and the latest game so far.

You can begin with Final Fantasy X and see if you like it or not.

10-03-2010, 03:45 PM
I always played old fashion'd Final Fantasys, specially V but when the newest come out, I just had to let the oldies go! You should play all of them! Eheh

Popsicle Season
10-03-2010, 03:54 PM
Theres so much, I don't think I'd have enough patients.

10-18-2010, 07:20 AM
Best video game series out there, IMO. Well, its success is mostly due in part to the older games in the series. From X-2 and beyond, the series has been staggering in popularity and quality. Obviously, this was because the company took a different direction after its initial creator (Hironobu Sakaguchi) left to create Mistwalker. Ever since Yoichi Wada took the throne, Squenix have focused on milking games for much more than they're worth.

Hironobu even lashed out at Wada via Twitter asking him to stop milking Final Fantasy, to which he promptly responded that he would. My hopes lie within Tetsuya Nomura and his Versus XIII project. Supposedly, it's supposed to venture back to older elements which put FF on the map, as opposed to heightening the graphics to sacrifice gameplay.

10-19-2010, 04:23 PM
i thought the brand new FF for the ps3 was a dissapointment the others have been like mythical monsters and this one robots they oook the same nearly all but there was a good point about this the side quests for the monster hunting it was massive compared to others. but i love FFX as it is unique and has blitzball which is the best mini game invented

10-29-2010, 10:47 PM
I haven't been able to play 13 yet but I know 12 was an increadable adventure. 4, 5 and 6 are still my favorits. I think 6 had the best story but 7 and 12 can't be beat as far as open world exploration IMO. 8 and 9 are kind of wild cards in the bunch and had a desirable unique qualiity that I didn't find with others.

11-02-2010, 08:33 PM
I agree with Blackbird, Final Fantasy 7 has the best story of all of them.

11-19-2010, 08:57 PM
Final Fantasy 1, 2, 7, and 10 were all good- i had a tie between 7 and 10- the story lines were really good

11-19-2010, 11:04 PM
Final Fantasy 1, 2, 7, and 10 were all good- i had a tie between 7 and 10- the story lines were really good

Thats subjective. Kefka was a better end boss then sepheroth imho. He had the follow through and drive to actually destroy the world. Where Sepheroth came across as kind of a sissy after he got all upset when he learned about his origins, then failed at destroying the world. Cry about it sheesh.

For example, I have yet to see any game Square Enix has made come near the quality that Final Fantasy Tactics was.

I completely agree with that and then some. FFT had so much depth it was simply daunting.

The storyline interweaves complex political motivations along with the secret agenda of the Knights Templar, and the personal loss of many characters and how they reacted shaped the story with mastery. Its simply one of the best stories, while single handedly setting the bar for tactics games ever since. Few games include so much complexity, its just something you could play over and over and learn more every time.

A small example, I just figured out the relationship weapon deff has with the knight skill parry. Weapon deff is added to your shield evade only if you have parry equipped, and some weapons like the thief knife "main gouch" have a weapon deff as high as 40. And knives damage is affected by speed rating more then power, making a ninja duel wielding two of them can block any normal weapon attack.

(with parry, the sword would give 5% block chance.
This is your characters stats for the intro battle)

Thats an entire stat attached to every weapon, keep in mind there are hundreds of weapons. And its only used with one skill. Combining jobs and abilities made for millions of class and skill combinations. Its just hard to beat the level of depth in this game.

Do I even have to mention job classes?
