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View Full Version : Rate Me The Best Portable Gaming Console

10-10-2010, 04:16 AM
Well, lets vote for:
1) Nintendo DS
2) PSP
3) iPod Touch


10-10-2010, 05:22 AM
Well seriously I will never ever vote iPod Touch simply because it's not born for gaming though.

So yeh, I like Nintendo DS the most.

10-10-2010, 10:46 AM
PSP with custom firmware and a GBA emulator!

10-10-2010, 11:17 PM
I see a lot of people voted but didnt diversify, and thats probably due to people voting for the handheld they own and not knowing enough about the competition.

screw the ipod though, really. Ipods are an overpriced accessory for people who dont know a videogame from their moms lovehandles. if it doesnt have an analog stick or a dpad those are just time killing apps, not real games.


Just to jump in here and toss some comparison around between actual handheld systems like the PSP and DS (and SP).

I have an SP to be honest. I play my younger brothers DS for certain games because I'm waiting for the 3DS to come out and the battery length on the DS is amazing. I played fire emblem on and off for 8 hours at work yesterday, never turning it off. The secret is to turn the screen brightness down and have the volume off.

Also an SP is like $30 from gamestop and has quite the list of worthwhile RPGs. Both the SP and DS are more of your strategy and RPG type platforms. You would be hard pressed to find good action titles because the lack of an analog stick limits developers. The closest to facst paced gaming you really see is in some of the side scrollers.

But on the other hand, the PSP is an expensive investment. But its used game selection is priced low enough that after getting one your could have a very nice selection of action games.

The PSP really feels like a system you cant play unless you have some quite time to yourself for a few hours. Like reading a good book its the kind of thing you do in your favorite chair (probably where you keep your charger as well). The quality of the games is almost the same as the PS2 in many cases. And because of the additional power and complexity of the hardware its not something you can get away with not charging for very long. (I have two batteries I charge so that I can swap them when one runs low)

While the DS/psp handhelds (especially the DS) are system you have pull out of your pocket and play for 20min during gaps in your busy schedule. And you can forget to charge it and be fine most of the time.

So it comes down to the type of games you like to play. When playing a handheld would you like to see complex graphics and exciting action or have a large selection of more traditional 2D type handheld games in a versatile and easy to carry around style. (folding screens for the win)

10-14-2010, 06:45 PM
I can't answer because I have a DS but I hate the kid games for it.
never played a PSP and I would also never vote for Ipod Touch so I have no idea

10-14-2010, 07:15 PM
PSP is pretty much awesome IMO.

10-15-2010, 01:45 AM
i recken the ipod tpuch for its great unique games range

10-15-2010, 03:37 AM
i recken the ipod tpuch for its great unique games range

Well it's maybe unique but if you have wide range of option such as above and you said ipod touch is better portable gaming console than PSP or NDS, I don't really think it's make sense.

But it's all depend on somebody.

10-15-2010, 06:55 AM
ipod touch every time i love angry birds and parkin lite lol ohhh and epic bubble wrap popper thingy lol :) :) :) :) :) :)

12-14-2010, 04:34 AM
I would choose the ipod touch it looks really lovely and the game on their looks really awesome:yes:

12-14-2010, 10:51 AM
Most everything BobTD said is gold... he pretty much </thread>'d

I, personally, would prefer (though I do not own) the Nintendo DS for the charming array of Nintendo super stars that would be featured in the games I'd get. The price difference is another large factor, as the handheld would not be something I'd use that often I wouldn't get the bang for my buck if I shelled out for a PSP (though in reality I wouldn't really make the DS worth my money for the time I'd put into it, either; which is why I don't own either and the last handheld I got was the GameBoy Advance SP.)

01-10-2011, 02:57 AM
I prefer the ds for its type of games and for the touch screen. I also tried the psp but it didn't like it much. Of course it has better graphics but i prefer the DS since i like the simple 2D graphics.

01-10-2011, 03:08 AM
I agree the DS is way better there:)

01-10-2011, 08:40 AM
Personally I find this a difficult choice. I own all three mentioned.
They are all winners in their own right.

The DS is just all round interactive fun. Easy to use, fun games - most with long lifespans, simple connectivity, innovative and colourful! Anyone can use them whether your 4 or 94, its such a flexible console in content and target audience and it's definitely the one I pick up when I just want relaxed gaming.

The PSP offers amazing hand held graphics and functions such as internet, photos, films, music - I see it more as a travel console, something you take on holiday or wherever so you have everything in one place. I find the range of games for this console limited but there are certain gems amongst the PSP game collection. I have one myself and I do rate it highly but for different reasons than my DS. It should be more popular than it is thats for sure!

iPod Touch is similar in content to the PSP (music, photos, films, games etc). Its graphics can reach high standard (demonstrated in such games as MGS Touch) and it has the easily accessible range of Apps and games through iTunes. It's definitely a must have gadget but I've never classed it as a console. I think its reassuring to have the ability to play games but I think that function takes a back seat to its true purpose of music player/media player. It's made a great effort though to incorporate gaming and like I said before a winner in its own right!

I can place a vote because I can't choose! :)

Project Blaze
01-10-2011, 04:27 PM
Personally I find this a difficult choice. I own all three mentioned.
They are all winners in their own right.

The DS is just all round interactive fun. Easy to use, fun games - most with long lifespans, simple connectivity, innovative and colourful! Anyone can use them whether your 4 or 94, its such a flexible console in content and target audience and it's definitely the one I pick up when I just want relaxed gaming.

The PSP offers amazing hand held graphics and functions such as internet, photos, films, music - I see it more as a travel console, something you take on holiday or wherever so you have everything in one place. I find the range of games for this console limited but there are certain gems amongst the PSP game collection. I have one myself and I do rate it highly but for different reasons than my DS. It should be more popular than it is thats for sure!

iPod Touch is similar in content to the PSP (music, photos, films, games etc). Its graphics can reach high standard (demonstrated in such games as MGS Touch) and it has the easily accessible range of Apps and games through iTunes. It's definitely a must have gadget but I've never classed it as a console. I think its reassuring to have the ability to play games but I think that function takes a back seat to its true purpose of music player/media player. It's made a great effort though to incorporate gaming and like I said before a winner in its own right!

I can place a vote because I can't choose! :)

After reading that I can't really make up my mind either. lol

I've got a DS, but it's the DS Lite, not the DSi. I hate the fact that they took out the Gameboy Advance game slot on the DSi, I still play a lot of those gamez. >_<

I don't have a PSP but I hear the prices for the gamez are pretty steep, more than the DS... I think. Since I don't have one I don't really look at the prices of the PSP gamez. lol Even though I want Crisis Core so bad! Gah! >_<

As far as the iPod Touch, I dunno what it's capable of so I can't really make a judgement call one way or another. XD My cousin got one, but I only have a Nano. So all I've got to go on is what I hear about it. >_< >_<

So yea, after reading Lysia's post I really can't make up my mind either. :p

Ilyich Valken
01-10-2011, 04:36 PM
Personally, my stance is kind of like Dili's. I play them, but not a whole lot. I've been playing the Pokemon games primarily, but with the 3DS coming out in march that will probably change.

Currently have the launch DS, so I can still play GBA games (mostly comes in handy with getting the GBA-link exclusives), but I have to decide if I want to keep it once I get the 3DS.

As far as the PSP goes, I've played on one, and it's a good system, but for so few games that I'd play on it, it's not worth the pricetag for me.

And the iPod.. don't even get me started. I don't think it should be focused on as a game platform, neither should phones. Stuff like solitaire and other mindless things are fine, but.. yeah.

01-11-2011, 01:45 PM
But can you still run GBA games on the DSi if you own the M3i?
And do you think that the 3DS won't have a GBA slot too?

Ilyich Valken
01-11-2011, 01:53 PM
But can you still run GBA games on the DSi if you own the M3i?
And do you think that the 3DS won't have a GBA slot too?

The 3DS won't have a GBA slot, it'll have 3DS, DS, and SD (memory card) slots.

01-11-2011, 08:02 PM
Well, in truth the iPod Touch doesn't have an analog stick/d-pad or buttons making it virtually useless in terms of gaming. However, it can be great for touch control specific games (Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, etc). Plus games are only 1-2 dollars, so they barely cost anything.

As for the Nintendo DS, it has more battery life than both the PSP and the iPod Touch. I mean, those things last FOREVER. It also is the most portable IMO. In truth, the graphics are the worst out of all of the three, but the graphics aren't truly that important. In terms of gameplay, due to the touch screen, and buttons+ d-pad, the DS has the best gameplay out of all three. The multimedia features are almost non-existent on the DS, so if it's being used for anything other than a gaming console, then you would be better off not getting it.

For the PSP, it has the joystick, but no touch screen. The screen however is bigger, so that would be a benefit to some. I believe DS games are cheaper, but I really don't have much to say for the PSP. IMO, the DS still beats the PSP in terms of sheer gameplay.

Anyways, in terms of just gaming, the DS wins hands-down IMO. However, in a more multimedia aspect the iPod Touch comes out on top. The PSP fits into both of those categories, so it's in the middle. That's just my opinion, but it all depends on personal preference.