View Full Version : Israel.... Innocent?

10-26-2010, 06:52 AM
hmmmm for those of you who know... dont say anything... for those of you who dont... i believe you should check out the documentary: Occupation 101..... at Occupation 101 :: Award-winning documentary film on the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. (http://www.occupation101.com)

nothing against people from israel.... but.... I feel this is something everyone should know about.

10-26-2010, 07:49 AM
Hmm wow, I never know bout this movie.
This kind of movie gonna be really conspiracy.

10-26-2010, 08:34 AM
Ehh this will make alot of people mad, and some terrorist groups wont take likely to this as well.

Its hard to understand anything anymore related to any country in the middle east due to the fact of all the thousands of years of war and fighting has occurred.

If I can find a copy around my area I will take a look and see what it is all about just out of curiosity.

10-27-2010, 05:00 PM
true, but jade still mades a good point

11-01-2010, 01:08 AM
I hate talking about Israel; no matter what you say, you will be flamed by either extreme Muslims or Zionist idiots.

11-01-2010, 01:17 PM
dont u talk like that about zionist i am one and we dont want war we want peace israel is our only land for jewish ppl we dont got any other land and the muslims got 27 countrys so we fight for our life after the holocost so dont dare call us war makers we are peachfull ppl who want to live in our land they dont even recognize us as jewish country and they dont want to make peace evreyday they launch rockets at us and we dont fight back cause they hide in civilians city of gaza so i think israel is inicent:-(:-(:eek1:

11-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Is it at all possible for one of these threads to exercise some tolerance of other people's views and/or cultures? Or for those responding to think like-wise?

I really don't want to have to close another potential drama-fest thread simply because people can't think before they type or steer clear of reactionist/argumentative posts.

11-01-2010, 02:14 PM
dont u talk like that about zionist i am one and we dont want war we want peace israel is our only land for jewish ppl we dont got any other land and the muslims got 27 countrys so we fight for our life after the holocost so dont dare call us war makers we are peachfull ppl who want to live in our land they dont even recognize us as jewish country and they dont want to make peace evreyday they launch rockets at us and we dont fight back cause they hide in civilians city of gaza so i think israel is inicent:-(:-(:eek1:

Its okay dor..

People have many different opinions and religious views so don't let it bother you. Ignore it if you have too. We all are here just to play games and talk about them so lets not get in a fight over something silly.

I hate talking about Israel; no matter what you say, you will be flamed by either extreme Muslims or Zionist idiots.


I understand what your saying but please don't be rude to Muslims or Jews.. We have many of them on the forum.

11-01-2010, 05:13 PM
noone is innocent in the conflict. both sides are wrong. at this very moment in time though. one side is more in the wrong than the other. and that is all i will say.

11-01-2010, 05:25 PM
That conflict is just brutal beyond any words. I have to agree with sick 100% It doesnt matter what one side says they are both wrong and no one is innocent. I wish people would put aside their differences and just look at the pain, suffering, and death they have caused all in the name of religion, land and anything else they are fighting over. In the end, its truly sad.

11-02-2010, 01:49 AM
dont u talk like that about zionist i am one and we dont want war we want peace israel is our only land for jewish ppl we dont got any other land and the muslims got 27 countrys so we fight for our life after the holocost so dont dare call us war makers we are peachfull ppl who want to live in our land they dont even recognize us as jewish country and they dont want to make peace evreyday they launch rockets at us and we dont fight back cause they hide in civilians city of gaza so i think israel is inicent:-(:-(:eek1:


I'm done with this thread. Sorry to the Moderators about my post before.

11-02-2010, 10:04 AM
of course i understand others ppl opinion and of course we are inocent and im not getting argumentive. they dont want to make peace this is our own country they attack us we dont fight back just like with the miltia if they dont attack us first we cant fight back they want us out of the country not beside them and i agree with jaykub or other mod (sorry for not remembering) but we are here to talk about games not movies that will cause fights and arguments and im asking as someone who exprienced wars with them and evreything theyv done this topic is too hurting for both sides and as one side im asking u mods of the forum to close it obviously it will drag us to argument

11-02-2010, 11:05 AM
It will only drag us into an argument if people start ranting and being disrespectful of other people's views, and also being argumentative and inciting negative reactions from others with direct, personal attacks.

If people can demonstrate some maturity in their reactions and can explain their views without making things personal, reactionary, or inflammatory then there's no need to close a 'difficult' thread .. if they can't then the hammer will fall to squash the drama (with or without accompanying infractions) .. simple. There's been a warning and it's good to see that this has been taken on board .. and I'm only repeating this to solidify it.

Let's face it, the world is full of drama .. who needs more drama on a gaming forum, especially if it comes about by people not using their brains more than their knee-jerk reactions to tricky subjects.

So, carry on discussing it if you guys wish .. but please keep this in mind.

11-02-2010, 11:10 AM
of course it is personal this thing is harsh u dont know how is it until u try it i bet u 1000000$ it will never end and even if it will it will be the end of the world too

11-02-2010, 11:20 AM
Please try and read what I wrote Dor .. I'm talking about how you and others discuss this subject, not the subject itself.

11-06-2010, 08:24 AM
as israel is attacked... israel attacks as well... it is not only defensive.... if you watch the documentary you will understand what im talking about..... there is enough information in there to piss off both sides.... the documentary doesnt necessarily take a side... it just states the history... and before you flame me.... look up the true definition of history....