View Full Version : plzzzzzzz tell me whatyou think of it

11-01-2010, 08:47 AM

new series blast from the past i hope u will enjoy it and tell me what you think of the vid and the idea generaly

please comment guys and tell me what you think

11-01-2010, 04:04 PM
I'd highly recommend you title your threads more appropriately rather than asking people what they think of something.

11-01-2010, 04:43 PM
I agree with Linux. I haven't watched the video yet, but is it reviews of old games? or videos of you playing old games?

A title like "Blast from the past: C+C plz" would be a lot more appropriate and probably make more people interested in watching.

I'm probably going to watch it later, after I can convince myself to stop listening to this song on repeat

11-02-2010, 07:51 AM
I agree with LiNuX too.
I believe what peeps said about your video. You are asking for views. Simply shown in your tittle.

By the way, it's a good video.

11-02-2010, 08:41 AM
Well I watched it, and rather repeat what's been said already, you asked for views so here they are:

- You need to turn your mic up, I could barely hear what you were saying at times.
- You spoke for 1 monute of a 6:48 video, so the majority of the video was just watching static gameplay. You might want to consider having different gameplay footage and editing it together so it's more entertaining to watch.
- I would've liked to have heard more about the game, and your personal response to it.
- No game sounds .. might've been nice to hear how the game sounds for that old-school vibe. Along with my point before about showing different aspects of the game.
- I didn't really know if it was a simple gameplay movie, a review, a retrospective, or just a confused mixture of all or none of them.
- Finally I'd suggest thinking about the overall structure of your vids .. break it up into sections and talk about each one. With the points I've made already it will make it more entertaining to watch, especially in a video over 5 minutes.

Overall, for me it was average and could've been better.

/me prays that these comments won't provoke a 'you're wrong because you haven't played it' response ..

11-02-2010, 10:13 AM
it wont provoke anything cause u r talking about the vid i know i could have gone a little longer but with more episode to come it will be better and about the sound i will improve it im asking of what you think to make it better and not to get views 20 stinkin views wont help me and about the sound of the game my filming program went bad and i couldnt record sound. thank u linux for bumping and if i wouldve written blast from the past no one would come anyway to sum it up thank u for the building critiscm
and tell me what you think of the name

11-02-2010, 01:59 PM
sure people would have clicked on it. This isn't a forum with like 12938476t12 active members and 2394862 new topics per day. Most people click "unread posts" and check all of the new posts.

11-03-2010, 10:29 AM
sure people would have clicked on it. This isn't a forum with like 12938476t12 active members and 2394862 new topics per day. Most people click "unread posts" and check all of the new posts.


also, I avoided reading this thread for the longest time because of the abmiguous title. If it had told me more of what it was actually about I might have checked it earlier; but because the title was just "check this plox" I assumed it was a garbage youtube vid that might not even be gaming related.

In terms of what you could do to make the video, jango covered everything really, really well... I would keep referring back to his bulleted points and rereading them next time you sit down to make a video, he said some very insightful things :)

11-03-2010, 05:34 PM
This video is about as good as all the others you make
