View Full Version : Like fable 3? or not like fable 3?

11-17-2010, 03:10 PM
Im sooo confused.
I kinda rushed through fable 3, first off.
When i first started playing fable 3 it was kool...very "fabelly"
but then more into the story..i started to dislike the game and the story line. it was a bit confusing.
The "fabelly" started to disappear... The storyline was short as fruck.
I was very disappointed...
Im like a fable freak...

The demon door challenges were like not even as kool.
I did not like the time setting, the markets etc.
(the specs)

but my love for fable makes me still play this horrible game.

11-17-2010, 03:29 PM
Yeah you become a King very fastt!!! I made it in 2 days :S and now I'm king and scared to play haha

If you're King you know why you will get scared :P I don't want to spoil it

11-18-2010, 02:21 PM
but my love for fable makes me still play this horrible game.

I was king in maybe 10 hrs.

10 hrs.

I'm still cracking out on it, at about....um....twenty-something hours.


Getting to king is rather easy. I surpassed the entire plot
of the game with Melee LVL 2, Magic & Gun LVL 3. Eh-hem.
It was easy. I'm not a Fable player. I played the second
installment for maybe a day or two and hated it, never
played the first installment.

I was particularly aggravated with the way time was handled
between the certain amount of days before the final battle
and the final battle itself. It happened so fast. I was down
almost 99% of the entire population.

Coming from an elite Fable III veteran, take these words as wisdom, from again...an elite Fable III veteran:

1) Take your time. There is much to be explored. Heel, or hele...no, wait that one has squiggly lines under it...heal...maybe...anyway, heel to the nature of defying your enemies quickly and skillfully. It is better not to be hasty, but to be thorough in every manner of the game!

2) Equally distribute your attention to all regions of the game to better identify with the land. This may be a game, but a specific part of the game requires extreme attention and detail to what's going on around you.

3) Don't **** your pants upon playing the game.

Thank you, that is all.


11-18-2010, 03:41 PM
becoming king is really the point where you realize you should not have rushed the game because now you dont have enough time to do everything before the end of the game. Its a countdown from that point so you should probably buy as much property as you can before that.

11-18-2010, 04:12 PM
becoming king is really the point where you realize you should not have rushed the game because now you dont have enough time to do everything before the end of the game. Its a countdown from that point so you should probably buy as much property as you can before that.

Yeah you still do... cuz the days don't decrease unless you do the major quests... right?

11-18-2010, 04:31 PM
Yeah you still do... cuz the days don't decrease unless you do the major quests... right?

I don't know for sure, but I noticed the days were going down in large quantities. It went from 330 left to about 245 when I went from one quest to the next. If you've free-roamed a lot in the game you'll notice time is dispensing at a constant rate, day goes to night, vice versa. I don't know if the changing of days left was due to any extra cirricular I may have taken part of or if it's just an "estimated" amount of days spent between each quest.

I grabbed it from Blockbuster, got it until Sunday, so I played it nonstop until I beat it (10 hrs). Actually, I had to take a few hours off for significant other time lol. Anyways...

I just wanted to experience the revolution talked about in commercials. The aspect of buying/selling property and profiting off of them is, to me, just a simple addition in the game to keep you playing it.

Might be a little off topic, but the game is pretty generic in regards to the interaction between people. The acting dialogue between the hero and a villager is so terrible. The options of expression of terrible. There's nothing real about it, and it gets really annoying after 200 - 300 good expressions. Everything you do makes it sound like your hero is having sex with someone. And...what's with the homosexuality? Yes, I know the guard is a male, and I want to make him like me better as a ruler, but I don't want to dance with him and kiss his hand.

Nothing wrong with being gay (again off topic), but still...wow...makes me not wanna talk to male NPCs at all.

11-19-2010, 10:27 AM
Im still playing fable1, TLC... i Love it!, its just swords and bows, not guns and all that ****, ;)... buy it instead;P

11-19-2010, 10:56 AM
Fable 2 is the best one:P.. haha:D Buy it, Fable 1 is boring:P

11-19-2010, 05:24 PM
More spoiler alerts from your friendly recreational gamer....

This is more of a rant. I was going to make a new thread but, meh, this will do :)

Really, Lionhead? 40 guild seals for going over the entire world to kill 50 gnomes? Really?

This game is full of smoke and mirrors. The desert seems so vast! Until you realize there are pretty much only 3 ways to get through it.

Lots of times I will see potential land I can't get to....

Really, Lionhead? Am I playing an N64 right now? Terrible, cheesy, childish dialogue. Is this game rated E?

And the sex scenes. Never thought I would applaud Second Life for anything, but if there's one thing they got right, it was the sex scenes.

And as far as playing the female Hero, it looks like the male Hero went trans on errbody.

Lame, glad I didn't buy it, glad I beat the storyline before it got old....(the game)

11-19-2010, 07:08 PM
Yeah you still do... cuz the days don't decrease unless you do the major quests... right?

i didn't do my kingly or well queenly duities and i dragged time out over days getting enough property and doing side quests
time only goes down if you do all the quest for that day
i saved everyone (:

11-20-2010, 04:16 AM
i didn't do my kingly or well queenly duities and i dragged time out over days getting enough property and doing side quests
time only goes down if you do all the quest for that day
i saved everyone (:

So basically what you did is collect money from your properties and then just put it in the treasure right?

11-20-2010, 04:29 AM
love fable until it crashes :( :( now i just like it lol :) :) :)

11-20-2010, 09:53 AM
So basically what you did is collect money from your properties and then just put it in the treasure right?

I owend every property (:
make sure they are repaired otherwise you wint get money from them