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View Full Version : Call of Duty: Space Warfare?

12-21-2010, 11:20 AM
Ok guys and girls, I don't know how I feel about the news. The potential Call of Duty titles were discovered when Activision let slip the web domain names they grabbed. Do you think Call of Duty are jumping a bit too far ahead with their franchise?

If you want further, compiled news on the matter, go check out my blog. Link is in my Sig below. I did a bit of research and cast my views on the matter, should make for an interesting read for you.

Tell me what your views are.

12-21-2010, 01:25 PM
I dont think they are going to far their games are good but its just the same crap different day. I would really enjoy if they changed up the game alot more. Black ops was a great start, new kill streaks and what not. But the combat needs to be changed up.

I will always play CoD games been playing them since the first CoD.

This can be applied to any FPS game i know, but some do better at changing up the combat than others, IE Halo: Reach.

12-21-2010, 01:32 PM
I agree about the combat. With myself being a fan since the very first CoD, I would like them to add a bit more realism into the game! Maybe a few more movement effects, like your head bobbing a lot more and stuff like that, just to make you feel like you're in the moment...

12-21-2010, 01:54 PM
I enjoy realism but it seems alot of gamers hate realism they hate the fact that if you dont have a shield or can take a few hits and try to defend yourself before dying or what not. Its annoying to think but some gamers wouldnt play CoD if it got even more real and honestly it could and I would like to see how much more real they would push it.

12-21-2010, 02:10 PM
If this is true, I am going to be very disappointed.

12-21-2010, 02:13 PM
Well the main thing that turned me off about COD games was the fact that they got increasingly smaller (mp map size that is) with each release - the single player side of things has always been pretty good. It's nice to have perks, or additional gameplay aspects etc, but I dunno .. set in space? Meh .. it kinda bugs me that COD might go into this area, to me that's kinda selling out more than it's sold out already. I'd prefer them to come up with diverse gameplay which is what COD games were all about once, building off the fine work done by the early MOH games.

Progression not regression imo ...

12-21-2010, 02:15 PM
Well the main thing that turned me off about COD games was the fact that they got increasingly smaller (mp map size that is) with each release. The single player side of things has always been pretty good. It's nice to have perks, or additional gameplay aspects etc, but I dunno .. set in space? Meh .. it kinda bugs me that COD might go into this area, to me that's kinda selling out more than it's sold out already. I'd prefer them to come up with diverse gameplay which is what COD games were all about once, building off the fine work done by the early MOH games.

Progression not regression imo ...

I agree with you on the maps issue. However, you also don't want giant maps either where finding someone is a hassle (like that giant ice map in Halo the original).

12-21-2010, 02:21 PM
I agree with you on the maps issue. However, you also don't want giant maps either where finding someone is a hassle (like that giant ice map in Halo the original).

Aye ofc, especially with the changes they made to squad sizes. However, there used to be a LOT of custom maps for the early COD games that were really well balanced because they were made by fans and players of the game, and managed to bridge this gap nicely - and often in much better ways than a lot of the official maps.

To me they kinda need to think outside of the box more and listen to their community .. COD shouldn't really be a 'log on and blast away' game like UT once was, it always had mroe potential than that. I like the way the squad-based elements and tactical aspects of the game have evolved but somewhere there seems to have been a preoccupation with that, rather than working on the gameplay at the same time.

Personally if setting COD in space (which in itself sounds like something from The Muppet Show) generates some fresh gameplay, and allows them to introduce more diverse, interesting aspects to the game series then I'm all for it. But at the same time I can't help feeling they've not tackled what could be quite an awesome problem to solve.

12-21-2010, 02:28 PM
All good points. Especially the map points. As i've said in my blog too, the maps used to be amazing and memorable, but when it came to CoD MW2... hmm. That's all I can say, and Black Ops isn't any different - I honestly couldn't give you a map name for Blops, and I've played it a lot already (more than I did MW2, and I had that pre ordered too), although I can name the map Nuke Town, because it's *****ing annoying! >:(

Custom maps for CoD1 were just immense. CoD UO custom maps were ok too, and CoD2 custom maps again were pretty awesome, as were CoD4 maps I suppose, to some extent.

I just don't know how much they would be able to do with a space game without making it look too far fetched, with CoD always touching on reality now and again - if they do this, then it's just gunna be mental, in a bad way - unless they really pull out the stops. I'm really disappointed they completely skipped the Vietnam era though, and only made it a little farting feature in Blops - poor show.

Ilyich Valken
12-21-2010, 02:29 PM
I agree with you on the maps issue. However, you also don't want giant maps either where finding someone is a hassle (like that giant ice map in Halo the original).

Sidewinder was beast. That aside, big maps aren't always the best.. can't say how many times in past games I've died because some snipers set up across the map, keeping his area of fire trained on my team's spawn, or using map geography to make it basically impossible to hit from a distance.

12-21-2010, 03:17 PM
Ah, all good points.

I hope this isn't a ploy like Windows Vista to make a quick buck to launch Windows 7 for the CoD series.

There is a lot of potential for this series, lets hope they don't let their wallets go to their head rather than their creativity. *shrug*

12-21-2010, 06:56 PM
Ok guys and girls, I don't know how I feel about the news. The potential Call of Duty titles were discovered when Activision let slip the web domain names they grabbed. Do you think Call of Duty are jumping a bit too far ahead with their franchise?

If you want further, compiled news on the matter, go check out my blog. Link is in my Sig below. I did a bit of research and cast my views on the matter, should make for an interesting read for you.

Tell me what your views are.

Activision or whoever makes guitar hero did that, and took names like...guitar villain...or something, but they did it so other people couldn't. However...i'd totally play space warfare

12-21-2010, 09:17 PM
I forgot to add that I like small maps (minus nuke town - way to flippin small) because it gets rid of all those camping out sniper fools. :p

12-22-2010, 12:29 AM
If they did a Space Shooter Right, I would totally play it.

If they don't switch it up some how I probably wont play another Call of duty Game, I played black ops and there is basically nothing new, except for those annoying Dogs(and other Streaks).

01-23-2011, 08:03 AM
If they make a game such as Call of Duty: Space Warfare, that would be the dumbest thing ever. They're going way too far in my opinion - but trust me. A game such as COD: Space Warfare will never be released.

01-23-2011, 12:07 PM
but trust me. A game such as COD: Space Warfare will never be released.

I wouldn't stand by that comment too strongly, considering they have already reserved that name for a website.

01-24-2011, 08:49 AM
Well, if they release a game such as Call of Duty: Space Warfare, I don't think that Call of Duty fans (including me) will be pleased and many of them will probably never even buy it. It's just too much. Future Warfare is one thing, but space warfare is just too much. I think that Call of Duty are pushing way too far. I sure hope that COD: Space Warfare never comes out.

02-06-2011, 05:33 AM
i think they overhelmed from call of duty 4 the franchise just got worst even though i like MW2 a lot

02-06-2011, 08:37 AM
i think they overhelmed from call of duty 4 the franchise just got worst even though i like MW2 a lot

Indeed they did. CoD4 was the last ground-breaking game that really re-invented things. The games after that, apart from World at War (which I loved for my severe liking WWII history & general gameplay) have been nothing new at all, and it's sad.

They've lost the plot now. I just hope they change things massively and try a lot more new things when it comes to the release of MW3 this year.

Regardless, Battlefield 3 is going to **** all over MW3.

03-12-2011, 11:40 AM
I would rather hope that they go back in history again.

03-12-2011, 12:05 PM
I would rather hope that they go back in history again.

Me too, they just missed out far too much, it's a crying shame.. idiots!

03-12-2011, 03:11 PM
Me too, they just missed out far too much, it's a crying shame.. idiots!

If you or any other played black ops, how far back in time did it go?

03-12-2011, 03:42 PM
If you or any other played black ops, how far back in time did it go?

WW2. Back to a fictitious Russian campaign, against the Germans.

03-13-2011, 12:54 PM
WW2. Back to a fictitious Russian campaign, against the Germans.

It was a single level and I think that it was a few months after the war in Europe had ended. It was more of a post WW2 scenario which completely destroyed the Russian campaign of World at War for me. If they were so eager to put Reznov in BO, they should have kept Dimitri out of it.
He better be alive in BO2 (he cheated death again, he got away and Reznov saw another person die etc...)

03-13-2011, 02:37 PM
It was a single level

Indeed it was, but it was part of their own Campaign. I didn't mean Campaign as in a Campaign that you play through until the end, I meant a Fictitious Campaign that the Russians were operating in and one that you so happened to play a part in for a short amount of time.