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View Full Version : Aliens vs Predator 2

08-28-2007, 08:06 AM
Trailer (http://uk.media.movies.ign.com/media/746/746237/vids_1.html)

Even if this movie is sucks, the way the trailer is, I've already made up my mind that it's better than the first. I really wish they wouldn't have shown so much in the trailer though. It's like well thanks for showing us who dies in. When you advertise for a horror movie, it's generally better publicity to not show who gets it. On the other hand they may have wanted to show all that to show us how much this movie is what the original should have been.

08-28-2007, 05:22 PM
On the other hand, all the cutting things off of things in the trailer seems to make it look like they're compensating for a bad movie by upping the gore.